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5 Benefits Of Replacing Your Coffee With Green Tea

5 Benefits Of Replacing Your Coffee With Green Tea

5 Benefits Of Replacing Your Coffee With Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on the planet. If you are a daily coffee drinker, dependent on a cup or two of caffeine to get you through the day, you may want to rethink that choice and switch to green tea instead. Not only does it taste amazing and keeps you alert, but it also has some incredible health benefits too! Here are five benefits of replacing your coffee with green tea.

1. It’s loaded with antioxidants

One of the main reasons it is the popular drink of choice in many countries instead of coffee is because of the number of antioxidants in it! Many people add it, whether in capsules or as the traditional hot drink, to help cleanse their bodies of unwanted toxins. It’s also known to help lower the chances of developing certain diseases. It has other nutritional value, as well as a small amount of caffeine to help wake you up in the morning.

2. Your skin will look radiant

Due to all those antioxidants in it, drinking this lovely elixir can also help keep your skin looking clear and radiant. It helps to counter inflammation in the body, including your face, which is great news is you struggle with acne! Even applying fresh (but cooled) green tea onto your face can help your skin repair any damage it might have and reduce swelling. It’s no wonder green tea is a common ingredient in skincare products. Oh, and it also has antibacterial properties. Just throw out your coffee maker at this point and get a tea kettle!


3. It can aid in weight loss

Another wonderful benefit of drinking green tea daily is that it can actually help you lose weight! It does so by keeping you energetic and increasing your metabolism. Drinking two to three cups can help you reap these benefits along with, of course, daily exercise. It’s also suggested, though not proven, that green tea before bed can keep your body burning calories overnight. Even though more evidence is needed to confirm this, it’s still very possible. So not only will you feel good from drinking green tea, you will look great too!

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4. You don’t need to add tons of sugar

It’s is best served piping hot and alone for the most part. Unlike coffee, which is often packed with sugar, creamers, and other dairy products, green tea tastes great on its own. If you really want to boost the flavor, try adding a teaspoon of honey or a lemon wedge for an extra dose of vitamins. Even if you do add a pinch of sugar to your cup of tea, the pros still far outweigh the cons.


5. It won’t make you crash at the end of the day

Green tea still has some caffeine in it, in case you’re worried you won’t get the necessary energy boost in the morning, though not as much as coffee. You may be familiar with that common crash at the end of the day where you suddenly feel like you haven’t slept in weeks. Thankfully, this doesn’t happen with green tea even if you have several cups throughout the day. You get a steady bout of energy, but you won’t feel jittery the way you would with coffee or energy drinks. So if you want to stay focused and get your work done, it may be a good idea to keep a cup of green tea by your side.

Are there other benefits of switching to green tea that you would like to share? Comment below!

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