Campus Life

10 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At Orientation

The long awaited day of freshmen orientation has finally arrived. Your outfit was picked out weeks ago, your hair has been re-brushed 1,000 times, and you and your roommate promised not to leave each other’s side. While orientation is supposed to be a time to meet people and get to know the campus better, don’t forget that today is about so much more than meeting the hottest guys on campus. Take a look at the 10 things you’ll regret not doing at orientation.

1. Paying attention to your orientation leaders.

I know it’s hot, and everyone is excitedly buzzing around you. Take this time to listen to what they have to say, it could help you in the long run from an awkward situation.

2. Checking out the buildings on campus that you have not been inside.

There is usually some free time during orientation, so take this time to walk around campus and get familiar. Bring your schedule with you to find where your classes are before the first day. It’ll save you the stress later.

3. Introducing Yourself.

As scary as it can be to initiate a conversation, sometimes a simple “hello, my name is…” can start a friendship. Plus once that part is over doing it again with someone else will be easier. There are thousands of unfamiliar faces surrounding you at orientation. Take the time to meet as many people as you can, don’t just stick with one or two people you already know. It is nice seeing someone you met at orientation in your classes later.


4. Maybe not to everyone though…

After orientation ends, the pregame begins, and then start to come the first set of bad decisions being made. It’s the first night at college so random hookups are bound to occur. While it might not be the best choice, it happens, so rock that walk of shame like Amber would.

5. Being Yourself.

It’s normal to want to be over-friendly and agree with everyone else, but in the long run being yourself from the start is a much wiser idea. People will see the real you and they’ll feel more comfortable about being themselves too. You came here to better your future, take charge from day one.

6. Exchanging Numbers.

Orientation and the week following is extremely busy. If you find that you connected with someone at orientation, exchange numbers and keep in touch! Once classes and student activities start, it can be hard to find them again.

7. Putting your phone away.

While you should bring it with you in case you want to exchange numbers or meet up with people, don’t be on it the whole time. Allow yourself to disconnect from and get to know the new faces around you. Your future BFF could be sitting right next to you !

See Also

8. Wearing an appropriate outfit/makeup.

Orientation usually happens at the end of August when it’s still humid and hot af outside. This is not the only time you will be meeting people or giving a first impression. Don’t spend your whole morning perfecting your face, it’s going to melt off by the end of the day. Make sure your outfit is comfortable and practical too, don’t need any accidental flashes on the first day.


9. Preparing.

Often there are tables where you set up your class schedule for the semester. Check ahead of time to see what classes you should be taking, what times they are, how often, and where they are. You’ll want to know this before standing in a long line to get turned away ( 9 a.m. classes are not as easy to wake up for as you want to think-trust me).

10. Letting your parents come with you.

As much as you want to escape your parents eyesight immediately, remember this is an emotional day for your them too. They care about what the school is offering you and how safe you will be there. It can be informative for them as much as it is for you.

Is there anything that you regret not doing at orientation? Share your experiences in the comments below!
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