
Things You’ll Regret Not Doing In College

Things You’ll Regret Not Doing In College

1. Living in a dorm your freshman year. Whether dorms are amazing at your school or not, living in a…

1 year ago

10 Things Students Do But Will Never Admit

For many of us, going to college marks our transition from incompetent kids to successful adults. We imagine ourselves becoming…

1 year ago

10 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At Orientation

The long awaited day of freshmen orientation has finally arrived. Your outfit was picked out weeks ago, your hair has…

7 years ago

15 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At University of Iowa

Let's face it, college students are crazy busy. Before you know it you've got 2 papers due Friday, 3 lab…

7 years ago

18 Things I Regret Buying for College

Going away to college is stressful for anyone and I'm sure I am not the only one who over-shopped. (Of…

7 years ago