10 Fun and Original Mixer Themes

Think about this: when going out on the weekends, how long does it take you to choose an outfit? Sometimes I go as far to plan my outfit out the day before, but of course when I put on the outfit I chose, I immediately change my mind. I’ve gone through my own closet, and plenty of my sorority sisters’ closets scouring for the perfect outfit. It’s probably no surprise then, when I say that one of my favorite things about college parties is when they are themed – then the whole outfit selection becomes much easier! No more endless options – you MUST stick the the theme. From my experience, and a few of my fellow Greek members, here is a list of some fun and original mixer themes.
1. ABC: Anything But Clothes
This speaks for itself. When attending this type of mixer, you can’t wear clothes. Now, that doesn’t mean you should show up naked. It means you should create a dress or outfit from anything you have handy. I’ve seen people make duct tape dresses, a romper from garbage bags, a two-piece from feathers or flowers, dresses from table cloths, flags, blankets… I think you get the picture.
2. Heaven and Hell
This is one of those mixer themes that makes for the perfect partner costume – grab your best friend and decide who will unfurl their angel wings and who will dig out their inner demon. The colors are pretty simple: white for angels and red or black for demons. You can be relatively clothed or show your sexy side. It’s simple and easy to do, but this is the type of mixer where you can really play around with what you have in your closet.
3. The Morning After
This mixer theme is what you make it. Your outfit is supposed to imitate the feelings you may have or the outfit you may be wearing when you wake up from a very intense night of drinking and partying. You can wear an over-sized shirt and a nice pair of bottoms, implying you stayed the night at a fraternity house. Guys can rock some sweatpants and no shirt with a tie/bowtie. Or, and I’ve seen this, you can dress as the “morning after pill” box.
4. Sweetheart
This kind of party is super unique! When a fraternity votes one of your sisters to be on their composite as their “sweetheart,” this is the perfect opportunity to throw this kind of mixer. So what exactly is the theme? The sweetheart herself! Put her picture all over the walls, print out a head shot and wear it as a mask, dress like her, party like her, play her favorite music. Basically embarrass her beyond belief (I promise it will be super fun, for everyone).
5. Paint
This is one of those mixer themes that sounds like a great idea at first (and it WILL be a lot of fun), but you forget about the down side – the clean up. Make sure to always use washable paint so you don’t have to worry about it sticking in your hair. If you are one to get down and dirty, than you’ll love this one!
6. Foam
Yes, the fraternity basement will be covered in foam – but it’s SO worth it. The foam creates a slip-n-slide and I can almost guarantee people will be sliding across the floor nonstop. When I attended a foam themed mixer we wore foam hats and bathing suits. Insider tip: always bring a pair of clothes and hide them somewhere safe so you’re not walking home half naked!
7. People of Walmart
I’m sure you’ve all seen the memes and pictures of the different, unique people you see at Walmart, along with their interesting outfits. Basically, anything goes for this theme – you can throw on virtually anything and everything you own. One rule: don’t even try to be cute.
8. Wild/Jungle
It’s Tarzan and Jane. Go to Jo-Ann Fabrics, Michaels or your local grandma’s fabric supply (or scrounge up some cheetah print left from your old middle school days)! This party is all about getting wild and crazy. If the whole animal print jungle look isn’t your thing – throw on a safari hat and some khakis instead!
9. ABC #2: Anything But Cups
For this theme, you dress like you would for any other normal party. Dress casual or go all out if you plan on going to the club after. The only catch: there are NO cups. That means you bring whatever you want to drink out of – I’m talking bowls, a mug, a trophy, a jar. Anything that can hold a liquid will be your “cup” for the night (as long as it’s not a cup).
10. Black light/Highlighter
It’s time to bring out those EDM and rave outfits you’ve been dying to wear. The point of this mixer theme is to glow in the black light. Wear white and neon colors and plaster your body with glow in the dark paint. I love wearing lots of glitter and jewels too, it adds a little extra sparkle under the black light. Also, free highlighters and glow sticks.
Featured image source: readunwritten.com
Kaitlin is currently a Junior English Major with a Creative Writing Certificate, Spanish and Psychology Minor at Northern Illinois University. She is a Delta Zeta, Gamma Rho Chapter. She spends her free time crafting, watching Doctor Who, and planning out her next vacation.