Campus Life

There are so many things no one tells you about during freshman year at California State University Long Beach. Fortunately, we've put some of the best tips together!
20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At California State University Long Beach

When I first started college, I didn’t know what to expect. You never really know…

There are so many things you should never do at Rutgers University. From trying to go to class after a dager, to ordering food at 4am.
10 Things You Should Literally Never Do At Rutgers University

My freshman year at Rutgers is more than halfway over, and I’ve learned quite a…

We've put together some of the best GIFs that describe the life of a student at Emerson College. If you go to Emerson, you'll definitely relate!
10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Emerson College

Ah, student life. Sometimes, it’s just way too hard putting into words exactly what it…

Are you excited for orientation at UCLA? While it can seem intimidating, it's really not. We've put together some of the best tips so you have a great time!
19 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To Orientation At UCLA

Whether you’re excited, scared, or dreading orientation, some things just have to be done. The…

We've put together the ultimate ranking of the worst dorms at James Madison University. You don't want to live in these dorms your freshman year.
Ranking Of The Worst Dorms At James Madison University

As you eagerly await your e-mail from James Madison University allowing you to rank your…

Are you getting ready for sorority recruitment at Ohio State University? We have the ultimate guide to make sure you're ready for the bidding process.
What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Ohio State University

Whether you’ve planned your outfits before you’ve even arrived at school or you signed up…

We've put together a ranking of the freshman dorms at the University of Oregon. If you're looking for the best dorm for your freshman year, look no further.
The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms at The University of Oregon

Before I dive into dorm ranks, it’s important to note that the earlier you commit…

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Grand Valley State University
20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Grand Valley State University

It’s no secret that going away to college is probably one of the hardest things…