Your Guide To Making Friends At College

Making friends at college can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know anyone on campus! We know the feeling of loneliness that can come with moving away to college. That’s why we have compiled a list of ten tips on how to make friends in your new home! Whether you are a freshman looking to establish friendships or a senior looking for ways to make freshmen feel more comfortable, these tips are for you!
1. Go Greek
Whether you are following your parents’ footsteps or establishing your own reputation, Greek life is a great way to make friends! If your parents participated in Greek life, then you most likely have ties to your sorority or fraternity. You can carry on the legacy by joining with other students who quickly become family!
The rushing process can be overwhelming and emotional. As you tour each house, try to engage the students around you in conversation. Even if you just make small talk, you will at least have a few familiar faces to look for on bid day. Participating in Greek life is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make friends at college!
2. Join A Club
Try to join as many clubs as you can during freshman year! As you are making friends, these clubs will foster relationships and introduce you to people you might not normally encounter. You can find a list of clubs on your school’s website or check for flyers posted in common areas.
If you are an athlete, consider joining a sports club. If you enjoy speech and debate, join a debate club! Each club will have its own set of requirements for gaining membership. Most of them will be free since they are geared toward making friends and fostering comradery. If you can’t find a club that suits your interests, consider starting your own club! Advertise for your club on social media or print out flyers to post in common areas.
3. Play Intramural Sports
If you like a little bit of friendly competition, consider joining intramural sports! Intramural sports are a great way to play sports without making a big commitment. Your school will probably offer a variety of sports, including basketball, soccer, flag football, and dodgeball. Each team has its own set of rules regarding participation and enrollment. The teams will last for one month up or a full season. Grab a few friends and get out on the field for some great competition!
4. Stay Overnight
Some colleges offer an option for high school juniors and seniors to spend the night in their dorms. If your college offers this option, you need to take it! You will be able to spend the night with other potential and current students. This experience will give you a great feel for what campus life would be like at the school. You will have an opportunity to meet current students who you can connect with once you move onto campus!
5. Work On Campus
Working on campus is a great way to make friends! You will make friends with your coworkers and meet new students as you do your job. Most colleges offer opportunities for students to work in coffee shops or libraries. Try to be outgoing as you do your job so that you can get to know new people!
6. Explore Your College Town
If you need an activity to kill time on the weekend, consider exploring your college town! This is a great way to experience the culture, meet the locals, and encounter other students. While you are exploring, don’t be afraid to ask the locals for recommendations! Whether you are looking for dining, shopping, or entertainment options, the locals will be more than happy to help you.
You can bond with new friends by inviting them to explore your college town with you! When you are getting to know new friends it is helpful to have an activity that fills the awkward silence. Go to a coffee shop, learn how to do pottery, or bike through the city as you get to know them.
7. Initiate Conversations
Making friends is going to be hard if you don’t initiate any conversations! You can’t just expect good friends to show up on your doorstep. If you see someone who is sitting alone in the cafeteria or classroom, sit down and talk to them! They will appreciate that you are showing genuine interest in their life.
8. Get To Class Early
Arriving at class early will give you time to find a good seat, talk with your professor, and meet your classmates. As you wait for the lecture to start, strike up a conversation with the person next to you! You can start by asking them about their major, where they are from, or what they think about the cafeteria food. Just keep the conversation casual and see where it takes you!
9. Get To Know Your Roommate
This tip is super important, especially since you will be living in the same space as your roommate! You can bond over cooking in the kitchen, watching your favorite show, or decorating your dorm. If you are struggling with conversation topics, consider finding a list of questions to ask your roommate. They can be simple ones about their favorite food or TV show, or deep questions about their goals in life. Your roommate might not be your college bestie, but they will certainly play a big part in your college experience!
10. Be Yourself
As you are making friends, don’t forget to be yourself! No one likes to be around a flaky friend. Try to be genuine and kind in all your interactions so that people get to know the real you! If you are comfortable in your own skin, you will exude contagious confidence that others won’t be able to resist.