Why You Should Be Spray Tanning This Year

Spray tanning has been a popular way to get a bronzed glow without damaging your skin. I personally have never tried spray tanning, preferring my natural skin tone, but there are a lot of benefits to going about it this way instead of other forms of tanning. Instead of spending your summers laying out in your backyard with little to no sunscreen on or going to a tanning bed on a regular basis, spray tanning is a great alternative that is better for your skin.
Avoid Tan Lines
Spray tanning is the easiest and safest way to avoid tan lines. If you tan really easily and have an event or plans that you don’t want visible tan lines for, spray tanning will help you to avoid this. Tan lines aren’t the worst thing to have, but if you really want to avoid them, spray tanning is the way to go for you.
Some people enjoy seeing their tan lines progress throughout the warmer months of the year, while others hate it. Getting a quick spray tan to even out your skin tone will be perfect if you don’t like the way the tan lines look. Some tan lines are inevitable, like the Farmer’s tan or Chaco’s line, so getting a spray tan will solve these problems easily. There is nothing worse than having to wear a nice dress for an event and looking in the mirror and seeing drastic tan lines around your neckline that you can’t cover up, so go over to the salon to spray these worries away!
Time Spent In Quarantine
With the twists and turns that the year 2020 has brought us, there is a strong chance you spent a lot more time indoors than you are used to. With colder weather approaching and businesses opening up, you might realize you didn’t gen enough sun this past year. Quarantine put us all in a weird place, and it’s totally normal if you spent more time indoors than you ever had anticipated on doing.
So many of us were spending time indoors due to the pandemic, and we didn’t go out as much as we used to. Spray tanning can be a great way to solve any insecurities you might have after coming out of quarantine.
Avoid Sunburns
Along with wanting to avoid getting tan lines, you will really want to avoid getting sunburns. Not only are sunburns painful, but they are also really bad for your skin and overall health. Avoiding getting a sunburn is an important step in taking care of your skin.
If you choose to spray tan, it can be easier to avoid these issues of damaging your skin. You want a bronzed glow, but don’t want to be peeling off burned skin in a week, so what can you do? Skip the laying out for hours and spray tan instead. It will not only give you the confidence in your skin that you are looking for, but also protect your skin as well.
Less Time Spent On Vacations
If you took your time in quarantine seriously, chances are you didn’t get to go on vacation this year. This means, for a lot of us, we didn’t get that glorious time spent laying out on the beach. Personally, going to the beach and laying out in the sun is my favorite type of vacation, and I, like so many others, missed out on that this year.
Even though beaches were opened in some areas, it was still difficult for some of us to travel. With all the new rules and regulations, planning a vacation to the beach seemed overwhelming and out of reach in 2020. While missing our time on the beach, we missed getting a nice glow to our skin. If you want a quick way to fix this insecurity, spray tanning will be the way to go.
Avoid Tanning Beds
The amount of damage that can be done in tanning beds is extramental and not often talked about. A lot of young girls will go to a tanning salon in an attempt to get tan skin fast. Whether it is the winter or they burn easily, tanning beds seem like a quick solution. Tanning beds also appear to give off a more natural look, but that is not necessarily a good thing.
If done correctly, spray tanning can look as natural as you want it. A big fear so many of us have going into our first spray tanning session is that we might look orange or just really unnatural when we come out. Tanning beds give less us of a fear of looking unnatural, but more damage is being done to the skin. Skip the tanning bed and try spray tanning if you are looking for a quick way to get a bronzed glow to your skin.
Less Sun Exposure
Whether you were just cooped up in the house all year long or just being lazy staying in the comfort of your home, there is a strong chance you missed out on some sun exposure and some much needed Vitamin D. 2020 caused us to be working and learning from home, and depending on where you live, you might not have been able to get outside and enjoy the sunlight. If that is the case with you, you might be feeling a little down about not getting enough sun exposure.
Spray tanning is a fast and relatively inexpensive way to get your skin glowing as if you actually did get enough sun exposure. No one is going to judge you if your skin is a lighter tone this year, or any year for that matter, but if you don’t like the way it looks, it can be easily adjusted with spray tanning. Don’t worry about the skin tone you have this year or any year, but this can be a great way to help get you feeling great about your skin again.