Why I Now Love To Work Out, And You Can Too

Working out is something everyone has mixed feelings about. But I’ve discovered reasons why I now love to work out, and you can too! Here are some practical and encouraging reasons to start working out now!
1. You’ll Feel Better
Working out may be something you start out hating, but you won’t stay in that sour mood for long. Exercising gives you endorphins-or mood boosting hormones. After you work out, you’ll be in a better mood; suddenly, your life is looking up, the birds are singing, and you’re deciding to give your mom a call back. A large reason of why I love to work out is that the more I work out, the better my perspective on life.
2. You Become Stronger All Around
When you sit in the same place-your desk in your dorm, the chairs in the classrooms-you can start to ache all over your body. You’re tired, sleep-deprived, and coffee obsessed. Why I now love to work out is that it helps your whole body become stronger. You no longer ache as much as you did, because your body is being stretched and strengthened during your workouts. You want to feel great and be strong, exercising is the key.
3. Habits Are Made One At A Time
I’ve heard it takes 21 days to make a habit. Once you start setting goals, you start achieving them. Why I now love to work out is that it showed me that I could set a goal, keep to a schedule, and achieve that goal. Once I learned that I could set my mind to something and accomplish it, it created a goal-oriented mindset in my life. I started to set goals and habits that made my life more positive.
4. Because The World is Better With You In It
Why I now love to work out is that I know I’m preparing for a long future. I want to see my great-grandchildren. Working out and eating right can add years onto your life. You are sure to have less health problems the older you get if you work out. If you change your diet and exercise, medical studies show that you can completely turn around a lot of health issues and live longer. We all know that the world is better with you in it. Live a longer and healthier life, simply by exercising.
5. Reduces Stress and Improves Breathing
I used to be a runner; I simply loved to run. The thing I loved most about running was that I could release all of my emotions of the day during the run. If I was angry, sad, happy, I could let it all out during the exercise. The reason I now love exercising is that it keeps me feeling balanced. I’m more level-headed and rational, and I get upset less. Exercising also improves breathing because you have to control and pace your breathe during your workouts. Also, working out increases your lung strength and your body’s ability to use oxygen efficiency, which means greater endurance.