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Which Country to Visit Based on Your Interests

Which Country to Visit Based on Your Interests

Adventurous? Serenity? Luxurious?

Every country offers different types of activities. If you are looking to go somewhere that will give you a unique and self-shaped opportunity, then keep reading!


Maybe all your friends lack cash and are unable to join you on vacation; maybe you prefer planning a trip where you only accommodate yourself. Perhaps you want to journey where you’ll discover more about the world, but also just as much about yourself. 


Whatever the reason may be, traveling solo is one of the most reading life experiences. The benefits of solo travel range from freedom to indulgence and empowerment. To opportunities for reflection, self-discovery, and new friendships. 

Costa Rica:


This country has an elevated level of serenity and well-being- it is even considered one of the world’s happiest countries.

From rafting down rivers to exploring and zip-lining through rain-forests, and canyoning down waterfalls, these outdoor activities are unforgettable and will feed your adventurous spirit.

New Zealand:


This is a heaven for the outdoorsy, and the best place to bond with solo-travelers like yourself. You can take a cruise, you can explore rain-forests, hike a glacier, trek the Alpine Crossing, explore caves, or go whale-watching and scuba-diving.

Luxurious Travelers  

Let’s face it- we’ve all seen actors/actresses on holiday in nice spa resorts, where the staff is at their feet. If you want a similar experience, here are the best countries to choose from:


Paris, France:

Though it is not by the beach and is not quite the same experience as going to Seychelles. Paris is the city of love- there is truly no more romantic place on Earth than Paris. You can indulge in luxurious boutiques or simply explore the artsy, historic boulevards. Remember, the better you dress, the more you’ll fit in. Definitely visit Paris!


Dubai, UAE: 

This is the preferred travel spot in the Middle East because of its greenery and private, white sandy beaches. Many beaches have activities like jet ski, windsurfing, deep-sea fishing, and scuba-diving.


The resorts here are incredible, but if you want even more than five-star- you can go to the Burj Al’ Arab- which is the only seven-star hotel in the world. The skyscrapers are all tall and stand tall over the old-town- but not as high as the Burj Khalifa- the tallest building globally.

Volunteer Travelers 


If you want to visit while volunteering and participating in the community, this is the place to go. You can choose a volunteer program that suits your budget, interest, and schedule.


Thailand is well known for its Marine Conservation and Elephant Sanctuary volunteer program.



Home to culture, abundant wildlife, landscapes, and their desire for change, Kenya will entice you to stay longer than expected.

It is the perfect place to mix volunteer and travel; you will have the opportunity to dive into culture and scenery and help the community while having fun.

Thrill-Seeking Traveler

Many people are willing to jump out of a plane or tie their ankles to a rubber band and jump off a cliff.



In Antarctica, you have many adventures to choose from- merely getting there is an adventure in itself. However, I do think it is a place that every thrill-seeker should visit.


This is the best place for all adventure seekers from sea-kayaking, skiing, and ice scuba-diving to mountaineering, hiking, and shore excursions.



This beautiful country situated between Mexico and Guatemala is filled with tropical rainforests, white, sandy beaches, and ancient Maya cities. If you’re passionate about the sea, there are activities like scuba-diving that will allow you to explore the country’s depths. There are more than 2oo islands in Belize that are easy to access and are ideal for snorkeling and diving.

Family Travelers 

When booking for families, it is essential to remember that everyone may not like the same activities and that the country should be kid-friendly.



It is an excellent choice for a family holiday- you have the sun and the mountains simultaneously. No end of pristine beaches, the Italian Peninsula has castles, culture, and good food that the entire family can enjoy. The countryside has its charms too; kids will love the unique animals that roam around freely.

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For older children, Romania is a feast of freaky spooky tales. The Bran Castle is the vampire Dracula’s lair, and there are thousands of other sites linked to this legend. There is also the Black Sea, where the salt allows you to float- kid-friendly with good food.


Honeymoon Travelers

Bora Bora:

The jaw-dropping scenery in Bora-Bora is simply the tip of the iceberg. They have gorgeous beaches and lagoons for exploring, swimming and tanning. Of course, there are also luxurious spas and romantic bungalows overlooking the beach.



The serene beaches offer seclusion for relaxation, with luxe resorts and activities like snorkeling in the neighboring islands. You can also experience a private couple massage on the sandy beach or go surfing with your spouse while visiting an island.


Budget Travelers

If you do not have thousands and thousands to spend on a week-long holiday, I would recommend choosing one of the following destinations.



Very few countries beat Bulgaria’s affordable prices. Here you can enjoy the Black sea for low prices. Bulgaria’s most interesting experiences won’t cost you much at all. Sofia, the capital, is an old city where you can see the Byzantine empire.



Unless you are planning to hike Mt. Everest- Nepal won’t cost you a penny. You can enjoy trekking and even rock-climbing for pennies. Nepal is a  country with a very rich culture that will add to your memories and experiences. 

Now go explore the world based on what you like and enjoy- and more importantly- what you need.

My personal favorite is a volunteer trip- because helping people in their countries beats the luxury for me. But, whatever you need to do- do it! Go for it! Visit! Explore!


What are some of your favorite vacation places and activities? Let us know in the comments below!