Categories: Holidays

What To Do When You Started Hooking Up With Someone Right Before Valentine’s Day

It’s the question of all questions, what do you do when you start talking to someone right before Valentine’s Day. You are stressing out because you are unsure as to what to do about this situation. You are also not sure where you stand with this person. Are you just hooking up? Are you seeing other people? Are you only seeing each other? You have so many questions, yet no way to get the answer without awkwardly asking them the forbidden question, “What are we?”

You are desperately trying to avoid this question because you do not want to scare them off. You also do not want to get rejected or find out that you both are not on the same page, so you have put off this conundrum for about as long as humanly possible, and now you have to make a decision. 

So, what do you do? There’s a number of ways you can go about this, but no matter what, it might just always end in an awkward talk. Here are some of the things you can do: 

Avoid it

Don’t worry about it! After all, it is Valentines Day and ladies, this is ultimately a day for you to be appreciated. If you just started talking to this person, and they like you, then they should show you by showing you just what you mean to them this Valentines Day. 

Avoiding the discussion of Valentines Day could even give you the answers you need as to what this person really thinks of you. If they acknowledge Valentines Day in someway to you, then maybe they are interested in taking your relationship to the next level. If not, maybe they aren’t ready to progress the relationship quite yet, or maybe this means they do not want to. 

Avoiding the discussion as to whether or not you and the person you are talking to should celebrate Valentines day might just be the best way to go about addressing it, especially if you are a girl. 

Address it

If you are worried that the person you are talking to you might get you a gift for Valentines Day and you don’t want to feel bad by not getting them anything, then you are going to have to have a conversation with that person. 

You do not have to be cryptic or weird about it, just simply send them a text. It could even be a sly text such as, “are you doing anything for Valentine’s Day?” This way, you can judge whether or not you both might be celebrating Valentines Day by their answer. 

If they answer by saying something along the lines of “spending the day with you,” or “whatever you are doing,” then you know you both are celebrating Valentines Day. If they answer by saying “I don’t know,” or “probably nothing,” then you shouldn’t worry about getting them a gift because you’re probably not celebrating Valentines Day together. 

Keep it simple

If you think you might be celebrating Valentines Day with the person you are hooking up with, but you are still not quite sure, then you should just play it safe. You could always do something simple and sweet to let him know you are acknowledging him on Valentines Day, but you aren’t going overboard.

Get him a funny card, or maybe a box of chocolates. You can even get him some movie tickets. That way, he can feel special and appreciated picking out a movie of his choice, you can feel good because you did something nice for him, and you both can spend the day together and make a date out of it. 

Grab Drinks

If you have been stewing on the though of Valentines Day for days, and you cannot seem to come to a decision on what you should do about it, you might want to just play if safe. You could send them a short and sweet text message, and in order to avoid any awkward conversation, have a simple chat with the person you are hooking up with and suggest grabbing drinks.

See Also

Grabbing drinks is a casual date, yet it could be a fun and flirty thing to do. It also gives you both the opportunity to get to know one another  a bit better, which may lead to you both deciding where to take your casual relationship next. You don’t have to even acknowledge that you are celebrating Valentines Day, you can just let them think what they want to think about it. 

If they see drinks as celebrating Valentines Day, then that’s fine. Also, if they take getting drinks as just getting drinks, then that’s okay too. Either way, you do not have to discuss what drinks really means between the both of you.  This is a good and casual way of addressing Valentines Day with someone you are hooking up with but you are still unsure about. 

Grab Dinner

Grabbing drinks might not seem like enough to you, especially if you are feeling like you might like this person as more than a hookup. If you do not want to do something casual because you are hoping that this hookup will lead to more, than try suggesting dinner.

However, with this suggestion comes explanation. IN order to decide whether or not you both want to have dinner together on this day of celebrating love, you both will need to have a conversation. You are going to need to discuss what grabbing dinner on Valentines Day means for both of you, and whether or not you both are on the sam page. 

You could both decide that dinner is just dinner and you will see where it goes, or you might decide that you want to have dinner and celebrate Valentines Day as a couple. As long as you both are on the same page as to what dinner means for you, than there shouldn’t be any confusion or uncertainty, which is sometimes the best way to go about these things. 

Are you worried about addressing Valentines Day with your new hookup? Comment below and tell us what option you would choose!

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Tatum Fales

Hi! My name is Tatum Fales and I'm a senior and communications major at Emmanuel College in Boston MA. My hobbies include writing, binge watching Netflix, and keeping up with every ounce of Celebrity gossip. I'm so excited to be writing for Society19 and I can't wait to share my writing with you!

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