What Jellybean Flavor You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Jelly beans are an iconic sweet treat, whether you enjoy them or not, because of their small rounded shape and the variety of flavors offered. They are great treats to give kids as a reward because they can last long, and the colors are fun. They’re also great for adding into bubbly drinks for an added sweetness or chaser. Here is a list of what jelly bean flavor you are based on your zodiac sign.
Berry Blue. This zodiac sign would be the berry blue flavor because there’s something unique about every aquarius. They’re independant and enigmatical, like berry blue. Berry blue doesn’t even exist in the real world, yet it’s a candy flavor. This zodiac sign and flavor go hand in hand with the fact that they are unique and unlike anything else!
Juicy Pear. This zodiac sign is the juicy pear jelly bean flavor because they are sweet and loved by all who know them. They’re creative, and this flavor is a creative one! Out of all the fruits to highlight and include the word juicy with, it was the pear. Out of all the zodiac signs, pisces are the most creative and intuitive. They have good judgement and also include logic when making decisions. Every pisces I know is sweet and juicy just like this jelly bean flavor.
Tooti Frootie. The wild card. Aries is always bouncing off the walls and having a good time, and this flavor is one of my personal favorites and I thought it would be fitting for this zodiac sign because of how different it is, yet enjoyed by many. This flavor was the favorite flavor amongst my peers when I was a young child. Aries draw people in and bring excitement to the lives of those they touch. I think with the energy and spontaneity this zodiac signs brings to the table relates to this flavor because it’s so good, but doesn’t make sense. Is it just a bunch of fruity, sweet flavors? What kind of name is “tooti frootie”? These two are a perfect match in terms of jelly bean flavor!
Bubble Gum. This zodiac sign is the bubble gum flavor because while taurus is the bull, which everyone usually tends to think is stubborn and hard to get to, people who are this zodiac sign are also very friendly, kind, and sweet – just like the flavor. Some definitely fit the stereotype of being stubborn and proud, but they are also always fun to be around and make everyone around them laugh. I think this flavor suits them well because there are a lot of flavors that are similar in color to bubble gum, so you’re not sure if you got the right flavor, but when you eat it and realize, “Yes this is what I wanted,” it’s similar to meeting a taurus who may have looked or acted different from the stereotype once you got to know them!
Buttered Popcorn. This zodiac sign is one of the more savory flavors because or how fluid they are. Geminis can go with the flow and not cause a ruckus like almost every other sign does. They are empathetic and understand things don’t always go according to plan and are capable of being a rock and ensuring people feel at ease when that happens. Buttered popcorn is a flavor that most enjoy, but people usually enjoy it for different reasons. Some people appreciate how savory and buttery it tastes, others like the sweetness of it. It’s a dynamic flavor that not many other jelly beans can match up to, just like how this zodiac sign is a sign that no one can compare to.
Toasted Marshmallow. There is so much going on with this zodiac sign that I thought this flavor was perfect because while it has one distinct taste, depending on the batch the flavor can be dramatically different. This flavor makes you think of a warm night with a toasty fire roasting some marshmallows, and the flavor of this jelly bean is pretty similar to that event! Cancers are emotional beings who also understand and practice empathy. They are capable of comforting those around them and making them feel at ease. A toasted marshmallow is fluffy, warm, and gooey and tastes good when the occasion calls for them. These two are perfect for each other.
Cotton Candy. The leader of the zodiac signs. An iconic flavor appreciated by many. These two are perfect for each other. This zodiac sign is a natural leader with a desire and passion to make those around them feel comfortable and confident. Cotton candy makes people feel warm and fluffy inside and is fun to look at and eat. It’s a sugary mess, but you can never go wrong when it’s available. Leo’s make people laugh and cotton candy jelly beans put a smile on their faces, this duo was made for each other.
Strawberry Cheesecake. This zodiac sign is orderly, attentive to detail, and knows how to appreciate those that help them out. This flavor is straightforward and can be told apart from the other sweet ones because of the reddish-pink speckles it has in it. Virgo is a kind sign that makes their friends feel loved and let’s them know it. The strawberry cheesecake flavor appeals to everyone because it’s not overly sweet, and has just the right amount of sweetness. These two are perfect for each other.
Pina Colada. It’s all about balance with this zodiac sign. The pina colada flavor is all about that too. It’s sweet and sour, and puts whoever’s eating it in a nice warm place. Libras appreciate harmony, and the flavor combination of a pina colada is just that. Both of these balance each other out and that’s why they’re perfect.
Coconut. This zodiac sign is genuine and isn;t afraid to do what they want. To some people, that may be off putting because scorpios are so bold and fearless – it may be intimidating. Coconuts are hard to open and need the right conditions to grow. This flavor and this zodiac sign are similar in those ways. Scorpios are amazing friends when you get to know them, but if you’re scared of approaching them because of their traits – that’s your loss. Just like how if you don’t want to put the work in to getting the goods from a coconut, you’re going to miss out on the wonderful flavors it has.
French Vanilla. A zodiac sign that’s funny, down-to-earth, and smart. This classic flavor that everyone appreciates is just like a sagittarius. Everyone that knows this zodiac sign loves and appreciates them in their life, and whether you’re a fan of the french vanilla flavor or not, you must appreciate the smoothness and not overbearing flavor of the jelly bean. This zodiac sign isn’t afraid to let you know their true feelings and people should be grateful to that. They may end up hurting people because of that trait, but at least they’re not fake or untrustworthy. These two are great fir for each other!
Cappuccino. This zodiac sign smart, hard-working, and ready to get work done when it’s put on their plate. Cappuccino flavored jelly beans (and other foods or treats) are no joke and only true fans of the flavor genuinely appreciate it. These two go hand in hand with the uniqueness they bring to the table. The flavor doesn’t give you the caffeine shot, and this zodiac sign knows what they want and will achieve their goals. These two are great for each other.