
What Happens During Florida State University Sorority Recruitment

I thought I prepared myself for Florida State University sorority recruitment. I had my outfits planned out weeks in advance, my tiny bag packed down to the mini mints & hand soap, and I was well rested due to expecting the long hours of the ten-day process, but absolutely nothing can prepare you for the craziness and overwhelming elements of FSU recruitment. So here are some things that I wasn’t ready for that will happen for almost everyone!

1. There absolutely WILL be tears!

Recruitment is not Girl Scout camp; there are no bonding games, sleepovers, giggling in the bathrooms (because there are any porta potties… but that’s another story), or makeovers. Recruitment week is more like boot camp; every day is full of intense countdowns, trying to fix sweaty makeup with coffee filters, running in heels, and many many tears! Expect the worst and then some…

2. Everyone else is crying too

During my Florida State University sorority recruitment process I felt alone, I felt that everyone else was having a perfectly fun and awesome week expect me, but I was wrong. As the week went on, I saw more and more tears, more and more blisters, and less and less girls. My PNM group lost five girls throughout the week, and over 200 girls dropped out total. Do not quit! Quitting should not even be an option if you are serious about finding a sorority that you can call home. Bond with the people who are crying next to you, lean on each other, and always keep in mind that you are not alone.

3. Disappointment is inevitable

Yes, I realize this is the third negative point, but I promise it gets better after this! Everyone told me not to pick my top sororities and to go into the week with an open mind but wasn’t that easy. I had recommendations letters and knew which houses I wanted to be a part of and which ones I didn’t. Once you have these expectations, you can’t just forget them, and they don’t go away when someone says “remember to keep an open mind!”. Much to my optimism and hope, the rec letters didn’t help, and the expectations only made the disappointment worse. Clear your mind, and you will find your perfect fit!

4. “Trust the Process”, annoying but true!

My expectations before rush week led me to a few heartbreaks during the week, but they must know what they are doing on the other side. Each girl that I met during rush week found their perfect place they get to call home now. The Rho Gams advice all week to the PNM’s is to “Trust the Process.” Every time you ask them for your opinion, that’s their answer, and personally, I didn’t believe one word of it, but I was wrong! So, I know its not as each as it sounds, but just trust the process!

5. There is no instant connection

The first time you walk into your new house, with you 250 new sisters screaming to welcome you home, will be one of the most intimating, overwhelming, but yet exciting experiences ever. Honestly, the first few weeks of going to the house and meeting your new sisters are recruitment week part 2, but you must keep going! Every time you walk through the door, eat a meal, or sit next to a new girl the easier it will become, I promise!

Overall Florida State University sorority recruitment was a rough week, but it led me home to a group of girls I can now call my best friends. I have only been a part of my chapter for six weeks, but I know it is where I belong, so don’t quit and don’t have high expectations, but remember the process works and it is worth the literal blood, every drop of sweaty, and the many many tears! The only question I’m still trying to figure out is when do I stop introducing myself and asking people what their names are?

Let us know what you think about Florida State University sorority recruitment in the comments below!
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