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What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Loyola University Chicago

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Loyola University Chicago

If you plan to rush for a sorority, you want to expect the unexpected. Here's everything you need to know to prepare for sorority recruitment at Loyola University Chicago.

I rushed my sophomore year in spring 2018 for sorority recruitment at Loyola University Chicago. I had no idea what I was getting into as a freshman, so I decided to wait a year to get settled. At Loyola, there isn’t formal recruitment in the fall, only the spring. Some sororities have informal in the fall if they need to, but that’s structured differently than formal. This is what formal recruitment is like. There are six sororities at Loyola: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Phi Sigma Sigma.

The Week Before Sorority Recruitment at Loyola University Chicago

We had a speaker come talk to us about rush. During that time, we were put into recruitment groups and received a recruitment guide. It was an introduction to the next week and what it would be like.

Day One: Scholarship

This day is the most stressful. In your recruitment groups, you visit each sorority. You have about 25 minutes there and are paired with a few sisters. You have about five minutes to get to know them before another one comes up. It’s a way to see if you enjoy the vibe and if they like you back.


It’s a lot of talking, so bring a water bottle. The dress code for this day is the shirt that you were given, jeans or a jean skirt, and cute shoes. Most people wore boots.

At the end of the day, you rank the sororities in order of who you liked best. It’s a whirlwind, so I recommend taking notes immediately after so you remember what you thought of each one. They all blur together because you get asked the same questions at each one.


Day Two: Philosophy

The sororities rank you back, and this day you hear from four sororities to go back to. They may be your top four, or they might not be. You might not even get four; you could get three, or two.

Yesterday, each meeting was 25 minutes. This one is 35 minutes and it goes in depth. Your recruitment guide doesn’t come around with you, so it’s up to you to make each one on time, or even early.

At the end of this day of sorority recruitment at Loyola University Chicago, you rank your top two.


Day Three: Bid Day (Morning)

You go back to one or two sororities. You spend 50 minutes at each one, talking to people that you talked to before.

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At the end, you put the two in order, if you got two back. Then, you wait for the night to find out which one you’re in.


Day Three: Bid Day (Night)

You get in your groups. We all met in Halas this year. The recruitment guides show which sorority they were in and then you get an envelope with your bid in it. You open it and find out which one you got in. The recruitment guide goes to get your shirts.

There’s a big reveal. The sororities are all in Gentile and group by group you go in, covering your shirt with a jacket. Then you reveal and run to the one you’re in and have been assigned a bid day buddy.

After everyone is revealed, there’s a party in the room assigned for the rounds and you just have fun, getting to know your new sorority!


Let us know what you think about sorority recruitment at Loyola University Chicago in the comments below!
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