While your body acts like it does a lot of weird things, turns out most of them are completely normal. The body has different reactions and responses to elements in our everyday environment. With a little science and research, we’ve found out that even the “eww” aspects of your body are normal and nothing to worry about. We have the answers to the questions you don’t want to ask out loud.
If you thought acne was only for teenagers, we hate to burst your bubble. Adults can get acne too! Adult acne is more common than you would think. It stems from excess oils on the face, just like when you had it as a teenager. As an adult is can also stem from stress, junk food or bad health choices. Most causes of acne can be changed or fixed, lucky for us! Simply cut out fast or deep fried foods for starters. Make sure you take your makeup off at night (guilty) or at least use a makeup wipe. Other causes such as hormones can play a part too. So always ask a doctor if you have any concerns.
Crying when happy, crying when angry and crying over a cute commercial on TV; we’ve got all the tears. There’s actually a legit reason why women cry so often. Research has shown that women have over 60% more prolactin in their bodies versus our male counter parts. Crying has a bad rep, but it is a completely normal release (for women and men). It is a way to reduce stress and emotions when they become overwhelming. The average woman will cry about 40-65 times a year, while men cry about 20 times. This is because of lower levels of the hormone prolactin and the fact they actually have larger tear ducts than women’s. It allows their tears to not overflow as easy and spill onto their cheeks.
It’s not meant to be all sunshine and roses down there. Vaginal discharge helps keep the area clean by flushing out dead skin and unwanted bacteria (eww). It might be considered one of the weird things your body does, but discharge is normal and natural. It will have a slight odor due to the vagina’s natural pH levels. Unless, there is a strong odor or unusual color, there is nothing to worry about. You can use feminine washes to clean the area, but make sure they do not mess up your natural pH levels. You want to keep your vagina happy and healthy!
Whether you maintain the area or let it go all natural, pubic hair is there for a reason. It is the body’s natural defense against friction and unwanted bacteria. Rubbing against skin to skin is not the best feeling in the world (lube was invented for a reason) and can cause serious irritation. There are no health benefits that come from shaving that area, it is all cosmetic. The skin surrounding your pubic area is much more sensitive than the rest of your body. If you do wax or shave down there, remember to do the after care as well!
Your little hot button is there just for you. The clitoris is proven to not have any other function, except to help women find pleasure through intimacy. Score one for us! One of the weird things about the clitoris is that it actually grows with age, meaning as you get older, it will get bigger. Science shows that it will double in size as you get older. For those of you who need clitoral stimulation to find pleasure, well you’re in luck. This gives new meaning to the saying “it gets better with age”.
Watermelons, coconuts or peaches. Whatever you use to describe your breasts is okay because they come in all shapes and sizes. Seriously. Most people even have one breast that is bigger than the other. You might have noticed when bra shopping, that one side will gap/overflow more in one cup that the other. It’s normal! The reason for the different sizes can come from early development or even genetics. Some size difference are less noticeable than others. If it’s something that is more on the noticeable side, there are always alternatives to make you feel more confident in your skin.
You might have wondered why you have small bumps on your areolas (skin around your nipples). Well it’s completely normal for them to be there. The small bumps are actually called Montgomery tubercles, which produce oil to keep your nipples soft and protected against infection! One of the weird things about your body, is that hair grows on most of it in some shape or form. So it’s common to have hair on your areolas sometimes. You can pluck or shave it off, if it is bothersome to you! We recommend plucking, because razor burn or cuts sounds down right painful, plus who needs an infection there.
If you bruise like a peach or have prolonged sensitivity after a bruise, there’s a very good reason why. Is’s not one of those weird things that can’t be explained, it’s that women tend to have more pain receptors then men do. Plus, we have the added bonus of having naturally thinner skin. Depending on the body’s hormone levels, pain tolerance can go up and down. Hormones also also explain why men tend to have a higher pain tolerance as well.
Hormones can cause your body to do some weird things. One day you’ll want to stay in bed all day with your partner and the next you can’t stand to hear them breathe! Okay, so that might be an exaggeration, but mood swings are a real thing. As women, we have a bunch of hormones running through our body. Depending on internal and external factors, they can play a big part into how your body responds. They are a normal occurrence and something that you shouldn’t be ashamed of because it’s literally how your body is made!
Do you love to put your cold hands and feet on your SO? Well you are not alone. Most women are naturally colder than men. Research has showed us that women tend to have less muscle mass and a lower metabolic rate. Meaning we have fewer muscles to produce heat and it evaporates quickly when leaving the skin. Your hands and feet are your outer most extremities, so it takes longer for the blood to reach them and warm them up. To help speed up the process, you can put on socks or run your hands under warm water to help! If that doesn’t work, use your partner for some body heat.
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