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Vaping Vs. Smoking: Is One Really Better Than The Other?

Vaping Vs. Smoking: Is One Really Better Than The Other?

Vaping has become the newest rage but there has been a delay on the out coming facts on the health risks. What do the facts really say about vaping?

Vaping has been one of those trends that we didn’t know that it was happening until one day we are surrounded by vape stores and clouds of large smoke. The big draw to vaping is the claim that is it better for you than smoking. However, there hasn’t been some final decision that vaping is actually better than cigarettes. So whats the verdict?

1. Nicotine MAY cause cancer

Everyone knows about nicotine and that is the chemical that makes you crave some of those things that you shouldn’t. Nicotine is known to be  poisonous to cells when the cells are exposed in high doses and is thought to speed up the production of cancerous cells. However, most of the claims have a MAY in front of them; there isn’t a lot of hard facts.

Some vape juices contain nicotine. There is also juices that do not have nicotine in them, which could be the way to go if you want to steer clear of nicotine. However, some of the reasons why people are vaping is to turn away from traditional cigarettes and still get the nicotine fix. In this gamble, at least you are able to ween yourself into lower doses of nicotine with vaping if that is what you are going for.


2.  Popcorn Lung

Popcorn lung is thought to be caused by a chemical called diacetyl. The chemical diacetyl damages the lungs airways and causes inflammation and creates scarring, making it harder for the lungs to work properly. I got its catchy name from showing up in microwavable popcorn butter. This chemical actually is known to be present in a lot of vape juices. Although there is no bridge directly linking someone catching popcorn lung from their vape, you can really put two and two together.

3. Tobacco isn’t the culprit

When someone mentions tobacco, our inner selfs play all those commercials warning us that tobacco is an unhealthy and dirty choice. However, tobacco itself isn’t what causes cancer and addiction, its all the crappy chemicals that is dumped in that makes them bad for your health.

One of the main differences differences between vaping and cigarettes is the absences of tobacco. But if thats not what really makes cigarettes harmful, then how great can vaping be? If it still contains the same chemicals found in cigarettes that causes cancer like antifreeze and Formaldehyde, is it really better for you?

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Is Vaping Safer than Smoking Cigarettes?

4. No Long Term Studies

It’s hard to predict the affects of vaping when there really isn’t a lot to stand on for facts. There are obviously chemicals that aren’t healthy found in vaping, but the unhealthy chemicals found in cigarettes are as long as can be. Most the medical world seems skeptical about vaping, but there still is a giant shrug when it comes to the question of whether it is better for you than regular cigarettes.

Vaping is well advertised as being healthier than regular cigarettes, but there are a lot of the same similarities and chemicals within the two. Do you think vaping is healthier? Let us know in the comments below.
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