Categories: Health

8 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Manage Stress

Yoga is a powerful tool that guides you and supports you in finding inner peace. There are hundreds of yoga poses that may help you in various situations depending on your mood and circumstances. It is an ancient practice of mindful and conscious living where you are aware of your thinking path and can recognize emotions, and you are adamant and confident to manage them. The main aim of yoga poses for stress is to calm you down, relax and reduce any tensions you may have in your body. When practiced regularly, these yoga poses will come in handy during stressful events since you will understand by then stress management mechanisms and how to cope with them. Here is a list of 8 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Manage Stress!

1. Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana)

This is one of those yoga poses that requires a little bit of body strength, however, it is a great way to wash your stress away. Ardha Navasana is a pretty demanding pose that will have you focused on the pose itself and relieve stress. It does strengthen your core too, which is a bonus as well as it improves digestion.

2. Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana)

Padangusthasana is a simple move that helps you lengthen the muscles as well as it improves blood circulation to your brain, and therefore clams you down and helps you relieve stress.

3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Some of the yoga poses are restful and others can be very challenging. Balasana will definitely make you feel at ease when performed correctly. Stretch your back, lengthen your arms and focus on your breath – take deep breaths in and out so that you can hear yourself doing that (this is very important because this sound helps to calm you too).

4. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

This is a total relaxation asana and its main goal is to release all the tension you may have in your body and relax every single muscle, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Savasana requires your body to be placed in a natural and neutral position, simply lie down, close your eyes and stay in this asana for 5 minutes. Remember to take deep loud breaths in and out so that you can hear yourself doing that. Focus on each muscle in your body and ensure you help it release the tensions too.

5. Happy baby pose (Ananda Balasana)

Yoga poses are incredibly powerful and can be easy to do too! To perform Ananda Balasana you need to lie on your back, bend your knees into your belly and grip the outside part of your feet with your hands. Stay in this position, inhale and exhale gently massaging your feet. This is a great hip opener exercise too.

See Also

6. Seated Forward Bend (Passchimottanasana)

It is a very simple move and can be performed by anyone! Passchimottanasana stretches your spine and shoulders and calms your brains too. It helps you manage stress and soothes headaches as well. It is also very therapeutic for high blood pressure and improves digestion.

7. Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)

Another calming exercise that will help you relax your muscles and release tensions. It is vital that you focus on your breath – take deep inhales and exhales so that you can actually hear yourself doing that, and this is the key!

8. Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

This asana is slightly similar to the Savasana, however, you need to bend your knees and really take control of your breath here. Feel your breath through your arms and relax any tense muscles that you may have.

What yoga poses are your favorite poses for managing stress? Share with us in the comments below.

Featured Image Source:
Inga Sobczak

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