10 Wild Things You Have To Do Before You Turn 30

Ever worry that life is just passing you by? With influencers on Instagram and YouTubers posting vlogs of their fascinating lives, it’s easy to feel that way. Make sure you’re living life to the fullest by doing these 1o wild things before you turn 30.
1. Go On An Impulse Holiday
I think everyone should go on an impulse holiday before you turn 30. Whether it’s abroad or more local, everyone should get to run away for a little while and forget about everything. Call in sick and stay on the low down while you have a few days of luxury either yourself, with friends or with a partner.
2. Quit Your Lousy Job
This is one of the best feelings in the world, finally getting to quit your crappy job. Many a day went by when I dreamed of hanging up the waitress apron at long last. In the wise words of Joey Tribbiani, “As long as you have this job, you’ve got nothing pushing you to get another one. You need the fear.” Which brings me nicely on to my next wild thing you have to do before you turn 30…
3. Face A Fear
Before turning 30 it’s important to face at least one of your fears head-on. Why? Because, if you don’t face a single fear head-on before turning 30 then when will you? Start small, for example, if you’re afraid of heights then maybe walk along a high up bridge and build up to the scariest thing you can think of from there. You might even surprise yourself.
4. See Your Favourite Band Live
This is a fun one! Everyone loves music and everyone has one band or musician that they want to see live. Not limited to under 30-year-old’s but it would be great to see your favourite artist before turning 30 so why not save up now and have an emergency ticket fund tucked away for when they announce their next tour.
5. Experiment
Everyone should experiment in life, most people do this in their teens but if you never had the chance to then there’s no time like the present. Experiment with fashion, music, makeup, sexuality, your hair! As long as no one is being harmed then there is no harm in experimenting and finding out who you truly are.
6. Learn A New Language
Unfortunately, in the UK and US, we are not pushed to learn another language like many European countries are in their education. Many people wish they could talk another language but with the technology available to the majority of people there is nothing stopping us! Download an app, watch a video, or even read a book.
7. Go Snorkeling
Okay so maybe this is just on my list of things to do before turning 30 but I think this is something exciting that most people probably want to do at some point so why not do it when you’re young? Give yourself the opportunity to learn a new skill, see some amazing creatures, tick one off the bucket list and potentially even face a fear.
8. Party The Night Away
Partying the night away before you turn 30 might be one you have already done before, but if it’s not let your hair down and just have a wild night of fun! There’s no harm in double checking this one is 100 percent ticked off the list.
9. Climb A Mountain
Climbing a mountain gives you a great feeling of accomplishment and you can get some pretty fantastic photos of the view from above, not to mention the right to humblebrag about climbing a freaking mountain! “Just climbed Ben Nevis, no biggie!”
10. See The Northern Lights
The final thing on this list of wild things to do before you turn 30 is to see the Northern Lights. Magnificent and enchanting, the Northern Lights is a natural phenomenon that everyone should aim to see. They can be seen in certain areas, particularly areas of a high latitude, of most countries in the Northern hemisphere.