
Why Everyone Should Attend A Fitness Festival

When someone mentions a festival, it normally conjures up images of alcohol, camping, and unattractive portaloos, but fitness festivals might have created a whole new genre of festival. This year marked a big UK-wide celebration of wellness and fitness, and fitness festivals were the perfect way to do so. If you’re more into yoga than beer, here’s why you should be booking a ticket for next summer’s fitness festival already.

You’ll Try New Things

Fitness festivals offer a whole schedule of different come-and-try sessions and classes, for beginners all the way through to seasoned pros. This makes them the perfect place to try out that new class you’re not sure about or browse through the sessions on offer to see what you haven’t tried before. The festivals will often have a lot more on offer than you get at your gym, and if you try something you really love you’ll be able to get more information about how to join.

There is a Huge Community Spirit

The festivals have grown to be pretty big this year, with huge numbers attending some of the most popular ones throughout this summer. They’re a great way to bring together people with a love for fitness, and you’ll all be able to push each other to work harder during the sessions. Not only are the festivals hugely supportive, so don’t feel scared if it’s your first time, they are a great way to meet people in your city or country. You’re highly likely to find a new workout buddy.

You Learn a Lot

Fitness festivals aren’t just about getting sweaty, they often have a lot of talks and informative stalls scattered about so you can learn a lot more about your body, working out and the fitness routines that work best for you. You’ll get information on anything from the best exercises to stop back pain to nutrition and healthy eating tips. It’s not just the stalls, either, but you can often learn a lot from your fellow festival-goers. Spending a lot of time around people who really care about their health can help you learn a lot about what works best for you and what you like.

You Get Cheap (and Sometimes Free) Stuff!

Need I say more? Fitness festivals often have deals with different brands, and some are even run by clothing companies, meaning you’ll easily find discounted clothing and accessories. A few festivals might even have free goodies for you to take home. If you’re looking to restock your workout clothing, festivals are definitely the best places to go.

See Also

They’re Great for Your Mental Health, Too

It might sound like the festivals are tailored to your physical fitness and wellbeing, but they often put a lot of focus on mental wellbeing at the same time. A lot of fitness festivals run meditation or relaxation sessions and almost all of them have yoga and pilates classes where you can reset your mind as well as your body. They are a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and heading to a fitness festival lets you spend a little time for yourself, really focusing on your health.

You’ll Leave Feeling Super Motivated

The atmosphere at a fitness festival is inspiring and motivating enough to leave you ready to hit the gym the next day. It might seem like you’ll be tired (and sore) by the end of the day, but we promise you’ll leave feeling excited to head to the latest class at the gym, or try out the new recipe book. The new fitness gear you’ve just got will just up the excitement even further – who doesn’t get excited to wear a new pair of leggings?

Have you been to a fitness festival? What did you think – let us know in the comments!
Featured Image Source:
Nicola Gray

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