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What We Can Learn From Demi Lovato

What We Can Learn From Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is someone who has had to deal with a number of struggles in life. That being said, we admire her strength and believe she has lessons to teach!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve surely seen Demi Lovato’s name in the press a whole bunch over the past week following the story of her suspected overdose whilst news outlets try to jigsaw piece together just what happened from conflicting accounts and a lack of official statement from her teams. Demi Lovato has always been a role model of mine- these past few weeks have been absolutely no exception. Here’s just a few of lessons we can learn from Demi Lovato and the songs your should listen to if you need a little reminder.

Relapse happens.

And that’s okay. Recovery is not a linear path. Living with mental health issues and addiction is a constant battle that you can’t just wake up on day and be cured from.  With multiple stays in rehabilitation and treatment centres, and hopefully another coming up soon, for issues from addiction to eating disorders Demi has proved more than anything that she is a fighter. It’s okay to get knocked back or to hit rock bottom, the important thing is finding your way to get back up again.

Listen to: Sober


It’s okay to ask for help.

Demi’s openness about her therapy and treatments is a perfect model of how if you’re struggling it’s important to get help, professional help. Whether that’s in the form of a 24/7 intensive care or weekly therapy it’s important to know that you shouldn’t struggle alone and there are ways to feel better. It’s also so important to have a support system, Demi consistently shows her gratitude for her family, her team and her fans. Although she is strong it’s important to have people to help hold you up sometimes.

Listen to: Tell Me You Love Me


Demi is undeniably strong, and she proves it time and time again. Mental health issues and addiction can be absolutely debilitating and yet, she manages to live a full life despite them. She also supports her fans inner strength, of course many of us credit Demi for inspiring us and saving our lives.


Listen to: Skyscraper


Though she hasn’t publicly slapped a label ( cough, bisexuality, cough) onto it, Demi makes clear shes not straight, from her documentary showing her dating app being on men and women, lyrics like ‘got a taste for the cherry’ and statements of  ‘I love who I love” to that video on tour with Kehlani, Demi is far from ashamed of her sexuality.  Although, yes, a lot of us hope for her to chuck a label on it for the sake of representation, it’s up to her! It’s important to remember she’s a 25 year old- nobody should be pressured to come out in any kind of way.

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Listen to: Cool For The Summer

What’s Wrong With Being Confident?

Demi’s dealt with her eating disorders and body issues so openly but she’s been absolutely thriving lately in loving her body- and not loving it because it’s gone through any kind of weight loss transformation- loving it by being body positive at however it looks, openly posting makeup free photo shoots,  videos of stretch marks and cellulite, and being open about her struggles. She shows that being happy and sexy is being healthy and confident.

Demi Lovato is on all of our minds and in all of our hearts right now. Whilst we sit and hope that she gets the treatment that she needs let’s also all look within ourselves for the lessons that we can learn from her story.

What have you learned from Demi Lovato? Tell us in the comments!
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