
What To Wear For Your Nursing Interview And Why

So you’ve just secured yourself a nursing interview, congratulations! Now the next step is showing up to the interview and making the best possible impression. Although it may not be the most important factor, you will definitely be judged on your attire and overall look on the day. First impressions matter, so it’s important to be dressed appropriately on the day. Here are some suggestions of what to wear for your nursing interview and why.

1. Don’t wear scrubs

Although you may think it’s a good idea to show up in a new or old nursing uniform to show dedication to the position, or show that you have experience in the field, it can actually give off a sloppy impression to your interview. Unless it is specifically stated in your interview instructions to show up in a nursing uniform or scrubs, you should arrive at your interview in professional business attire.

2. Dress in professional business attire

Professional business attire is traditionally a blouse, skirt and blazer. However, if you’re more comfortable in trousers, this is also an appropriate option. If you don’t want to appear too stuffy yet still want to look professional, a shift dress or wrap dress and blazer will also look professional and interview-appropriate. Go for more neutral colours (even light ones like light grey or beige should be fine), and avoid any loud or harsh patterns.

Get the Look:

3. Consider the work environment

Definitely consider the place you are applying for and what kind of person they are looking for. Say you are applying to be a children’s nurse, you may want to dress to give off a more relaxed and approachable vibe. That being said, you must still keep things professional. In some cases, like if you are an entry-level nurse, interviewers may have a more relaxed approach, and you might be able to get away with wearing a simple, tailored blouse and trousers. This dark blue fitted business dress is definitely what to wear for your nursing interview.

Get the Look:

4. Choose accessories wisely

When choosing shoes and jewellery, don’t go for anything too flashy. A simple pair of low heels should do the trick, as although you want to look professional and quite formally dressed, you don’t want to be stumbling around. When it comes to jewellery, stick to one or two simple accessories like a necklace with a small chain or stud earrings. These classic pumps are exactly what to wear for your nursing interview!

See Also

Get the Look:

5. Keep hair and makeup neat and polished

One of the first things the interviewer will notice about you is your face. Opt for a natural makeup look, and make sure your hair is neat and away from your face. Also bear in mind that other types of makeup such as nail varnish may be frowned upon, so it is best to go for bare, clean nails for your interview.

Have you figured out what to wear to your nursing interview? Let us know in the comments below!

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Rachel Abreu

Current student at University of St Andrews, Scotland. Obsessed with anything related to beauty, skin care and finding the perfect pair of jeans. Instagram: @rachelmarieabreu

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