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10 Ways To Inspire Fitness

10 Ways To Inspire Fitness

10 Ways To Inspire Fitness

Getting fit is the most common new years resolutions. In fact all year round, globally people are constantly trying to get into shape. And now is the best time, Its 5 months until summer, so lets get the beach body together. Easier said that done ay! It cane be really difficult to motivate yourself, and everyone needs a little helping hand to getting that dream bod.

Here are 10 ways that are sure to inspire fitness in you!

1. Brittney Babe

Brittney Babe is a Trinidadian American that is super into healthy lifestyle. She started exercising outdoors because she couldn’t afford to  go to the gym,and all her exercises can be done literally anywhere. So you can’t use money or locations as an excuse. She has her own Instagram and YouTube accounts where there are exercises you can practice any time anywhere. Plus her banging body and delicious looking healthy eating recipes could motivate literally anyone. If you’re not a gym person and love working out outdoors, Brittney Babe is the perfect coach for you.


2. Whitney Simmons

Similarly to Brittney Babe, Whitney Simmons is definitely one of the most motivational and inspiring instagrammers of the year. What differs though, is Whitney is a complete gym addict, So if you love working out in the gym, or have recently bought a membership – that you haven’t yet used, Whitney gives you a variety of exercises, mostly including weights.

3. Nike Run Club

The Nike Run Club App is my favourite running assistant. Personally I don’t like running with music, just because I am easily influenced by music, so if a house banger comes on i’m likely to sprint at the start and tire myself completely out, which equals bad run and unfulfilled run. This App offers many different types of runs lead by a variety of coaches from different parts of the planet, and they give you their run talk. So whether its your first run and you need a hand getting started, or have been running for years but want to improve and try something different, this app is a great way to get you out there.

4. Headspace

Headspace is essentially a meditation, mindfulness app. This means it covers all things meditation based. And you can use meditation and mindfulness everywhere and everyday. Headspace is a great way to get in shape as it works on the mental aspect of exercise, and we all need motivation. Its super helpful on those days you don’t to exercise and keeps you mind on track as you can learn new techniques to guide you through your fitness journey, and your general life journey.


5. Your Gym App

Every year gym memberships go up drastically. However people often don’t use them. To such an extend that gyms often take on wayyy more memberships than the physical gym can actually hold. IF you do join a gym though, I strongly recommend downloading your gym app, if possible. Not only will if be a daily reminder as you scroll through your phone, but gym apps often tell you how many people are currently at the gym, and what classes are available, as well as random updates, which is very useful, and gets you involved into the whole culture of the gym.

6. Yoga With Adriene

Yoga is a great way to inspire fitness, it makes you aware of your body, keeps you mentally calm and mindful, while building flexibility, strength and teaches you great breathing I came across Adriene when i searched for an easy breezy at home yoga sesh. There are a few programmes , usually 30 days long that keep you committed into your yoga practice, as well as the odd yoga sessions depending on what kind of practice you’re feeling that day. Adriene is soothing and experiences and a little kooky, a great way to get into yoga or practice and challenge yourself if you’re a pro.

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7. HappyFitZam

HappyFitZam Is a fitness and healthy living enthusiast. She specializes in holistic and plant based health and will surely inspire come great healthy vegan recipes and work-outs that you can do from home or at the gym. Whats really inspiring about her is shes real, and has come a long way from when she started her fitness journey, which can be really encouraging, especially when a lot of these fitness guru’s we see have always been super ripped. Plus she’s always got a sunny smile on -that is sure to get you up and active!

8. My Fitness Pal

My fitness pal is a really good way for recording your fitness journey. With this app you are able to log your calories intakes, exercises, steps and it recommends healthy tips on losing weight, gaining muscle and general ways to keep track of your fitness. It also allows you to record your goals and recommends ways you can reach them. This app works wonders at the beginning of your journey. Just don’t become obsessed, remember its just a guide.

9. 7 Minute Workout

This App Is great for circuits, and ways you can get fit with simple exercises anywhere. It gives you a variety of work-outs that are all 7 minutes long. Its great for toning and muscle building, and gives you great ideas if you’re starting off and have no idea what exercises to start off with.


10. Move GB

Move GB is essentially a membership available all over the UK. You can choose what kind of membership you want, and there are many free trials and offers that will get you started off. There are a number of classes and gyms you can go to, and it gives you the opportunity to check out all of the fitness opportunities there are in your local area. The perfect way to get involved and inspire fitness!

Getting fit is pretty much on every ones agenda at some point. But motivating yourself can be challenging. What ways do you inspire fitness?

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