Here's Why Leaving University Was Such A Difficult Time
Here’s Why Leaving University Was Such A Difficult Time

As I packed away my final items, I tiresomely unburdened my own weight onto the…

Starting university and not sure what to experience during o-week? Here is everything you need to know about university orientation !
All You Need To Know About University Orientation

University orientation is probably the most important event of the university year. Every university does…

What You Need To Consider Before Going To University
What You Need To Consider Before Going To University

Going to university is one of the most rewarding (and slightly stressful) experiences you’ll ever…

Knowing how to save money at university can be so important for the broke student. Here are some of the best tips to save some cash.
10 Ways To Save Money At University

Its always hard to save money, no matter where you are at life. When you…

These cute homeware looks are to die for. From throw pillows to unique candle holders to wall fixtures, we have it covered. The different textures and colours will add something extra to your flat.
Our Favourite Stores With Cute Homeware You Can’t Say No To

You have traveled around and not many stores have the cute homeware that you’re after,…

Royal Holloway is one of the best schools that you can go to, and there are plenty of reasons why! Here's what makes it the best uni around!
20 Reasons Why Royal Holloway Is The Best School On Earth

Everyone believes the university they attend is the best one on earth. Who doesn’t love…

As a student you have no choice but to cook on a budget sometimes. As such, here are some easy recipes for you to follow!
10 Meals Every Student Can Cook On A Budget

Everyone can cook. Cooking doesn’t have to be expensive and eating tasty, healthy food can…

What It's Like Moving Into Shared Accommodation After Uni Halls
What It’s Like Moving Into Shared Accommodation After Uni Halls

In my first year, I lived in my university’s halls. By chance, I was allocated…

Lancaster University is a school filled with interesting people. Here are just some of the people you're guaranteed to run into!
10 People You’ll Always Run Into At Lancaster University

With Lancaster University having over 13,000 students enrolled there, it’s no surprise that you’re bound…