Productive tasks and procrastinating are two different things; but, when it comes to putting off your assignment, some activities are better than others.
12 Secretly Productive Tasks For When You’re Procrastinating

It’s easy to get into a procrastination slump, but wouldn’t it be great if you…

The social reset button University offers is both a blessing and a curse. Here are just some suggestions for making friends when starting out!
15 Tips For Making Friends Fast At Uni

The social reset button University offers is both a blessing and a curse. Free from…

Being a poor student is a widespread and shared characteristic among young people. But there are some hacks to help you get through it!
5 Lifehacks For Surviving As A Poor Student

For most, being a poor student is the most bone-chilling financial period of your life.…

Packing for student life can be tricky, but we're here to help! Here are some emergency items that you must take with you to university.
10 Emergency Items Every Student Should Own

Moving away from home for university is definitely exciting, but as many students find out,…

Did you know that plants can help you decor?Here are some beautiful low maintenance plants that are perfect for making any university bedroom feel inviting.
8 Low Maintenance Plants To Brighten Your Student Bedroom

It’s no secret that student accommodation can be uncomfortable at the best of times. University…

Your university bedding doesn't have to be boring - with these accessories, your room will be cosy in no time. Here are some ideas!
8 Ways You Can Make Your University Bedding Look Unique

While it may be one of the last things on your mind when you’re moving…

You've probably heard some roommate horror stories but here are 10 tips and tricks on how to be the best roommate possible.
10 Tips On How To Be The Best Roommate Possible

They do say you never really know someone until you live with them, but they…

If you're starting uni, you might not have a clue where to begin when it comes to packing. Don't panic - here are five unexpected essentials you should have
5 Essentials You Must Pack If You’re Starting Uni

If you’re starting uni in the upcoming academic year, you might be wondering where you…

Moving away and preparing for university is a very stressful time. This list of tips make the transition to your new life easier for you!
Tips On How To Make Preparing For University As Simple As Possible

Before I went to university, I wish someone gave me a guide on preparing for…

If you are freshmen and you're about to go to your very first college party, don't forget to check this article out for handy tips before partying.
Everything You Should Know Before Jumping Into College Partying

College party can be fun and scary at the same time, especially when you are…