Life in Halls

If you are looking to design your bedroom in your new apartment or dorm room and want to keep it affordable, we have you covered. No matter your style, there are ways to decorate your bedroom while keeping costs low.
6 Ways To Design Your Bedroom On A Budget

It can be hard to redecorate when you’re on a budget, furniture and furnishings are…

Take a look at these tips and tricks for taking part in a Swedish death clean for your space.
How To Swedish Death Clean Your Closet This Summer

Swedish Death Cleaning (or dostadnig) is super trendy right now, and it’s easy to see…

10 Cleaning Hacks For Your Dorm Room
10 Cleaning Hacks For Your Dorm Room

Your days at university will (ahem, usually) begin and end in your bedroom. And whilst…

Making the move into your new dorm room is crucial for leading a healthy college life: these DIY dorm ideas will make you feel at home!
10 DIY Dorm Ideas For The Upcoming College Semester

It’s an exciting time moving to college! It can be tough transition being a student…

Sometimes you get lucky and meet your soulmate. In case you are still questioning whether you have found that someone in your flatmate, here are 20 signs.
19 Signs Your Flatmate Is Your Soulmate

In university, you will encounter an array of characters. However, sometimes you get lucky and…

Check out these great posters on Amazon to decorate your space with!
15 Posters On Amazon That Are Perfect For Your Accommodation

University halls are normally never decorated to a high standard; the walls are white or…

Low-maintenance houseplants are perfect to look at and easy to care for. If you have a history of neglecting flora, these are the plants for you.
Low-Maintenance Houseplants For Your Dorm Room

Low-maintenance houseplants are the easiest way to create a trendy indoor garden. A dying bonsai…

Organising a dorm party is difficult for a new student. Here are some prime examples of the alcoholic drinks you should consider serving your guests!
5 Of The Best Alcoholic Drinks To Start A Dorm Party

Let’s face it, college can be a daunting prospect for most of us fledgelings who…

If your looking for some decor pieces to liven up your fresher dorm then look no further! Here are some great decorations for your new home.
8 Decor Pieces Every Fresher Should Have In Their Dorm

Going off to University in September? You may be thinking about your up and coming…

What Tapestry Suits Your Style?
What Tapestry Suits Your Style?

Are you looking to decide what tapestry to use in your room? But you’re unsure…