Uni Life

How To Stay Healthy at University

How To Stay Healthy at University

Staying healthy at University is not as easy as it may seem! I’m sure by now you’ve all heard of…

1 hour ago

7 Ways To Ace Your A Levels

Anyone who has to take their A Levels understands that this is no easy task. It is also easy to…

5 hours ago

Must Have Exam Survival Tips

Preparing for exams is without doubt the most stressful part of the semester, and it's normal for a lot of…

9 hours ago

15 Signs You Have A Long Distance Best Friend

Your wifey-for-lifey can either live 3 hours or 3 days away, but that doesn’t matter because even if you don’t…

11 hours ago

Guys Dorm Room Decor Ideas That Any Man Will Applaud

Don’t worry, guys, decorating your dorm room isn’t hard. If you find the right products, it can be super easy.…

1 day ago

10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At University of Aberdeen

No matter how hard you try there are some things you can never seem to escape at Aberdeen uni. These…

3 days ago

Top 4 Budget Smartphones Everyone Needs To Know

With inflation rates rising and our economies failing, phone prices have gone over the roofs. It's no understatement to say…

3 days ago

The 10 Notable Benefits Of Being Multilingual You Need To Know

Many people are put off from learning a foreign language from a young age, after having traumatic incidents in their…

4 days ago

How To Recycle Basic Things You Would Usually Throw Away

The amount we are throwing away in the UK is slowly changing, but the average person in the UK throws…

4 days ago

How To Resolve Arguments With Your Fresher Year Roommate

As we settle into university halls, surrounded by new people living under one roof, things can turn from exciting to…

4 days ago