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10 Tips To Survive A Long Distance Relationship And Become Closer

10 Tips To Survive A Long Distance Relationship And Become Closer

Here are tips to survive a long distance relationship and perhaps even become closer from the distance to your partner. Read on for tips.

Long distance relationships are really challenging, forcing a couple into a somewhat unnatural and bizarre dynamic where they can’t see one another, besides through the use of modern-day technology. I’ve had two long distance relationships while I was living abroad on two occasions, the most recent of which was for a year in South America. That’s right, a 6 hour time difference and no quick weekend trips home – it was tough. What I can say is that I did learn a lot about what makes a long distance relationship work, and what really doesn’t, so enjoy these 10 tips to survive a long distance relationship.

1. Avoid Over-Texting

It’s natural to want to up your texting game when you’re in a long distance relationship, so you can feel more involved in their day to day routine. I did learn however that over-texting creates a strain on your life and theirs, interrupting the flow of your day, and even causing frustration when you aren’t receiving instant replies.

2. Speak Once A Day

This sort of connects to the previous tip, so as opposed to texting all day long, schedule a time to talk on the phone, or facetime, or skype! You’ll have so much more to talk about having not wasted the whole day sending each other long messages, and will both be completely present to respond in the moment. These tips to survive a long distance relationship will help you two make it.


3.Send Eachother Things

Normally gifts are reserved for Birthdays and Christmas, but since you’re not able to see (and spoil) each other regularly, why not have wee surprises sent to them on occasion. I once sent my boyfriend a full breakfast with Deliveroo as a surpise – there were no complaints.

4.Plan Things To Looks Forward To

Time passes quicker when you have something to look forward to, so each time you part ways again make sure you both know when the next time you’ll see each other will be and try have a plan for something fun to do. It’ll make those difficult times of loneliness a little bit easier. These tips to survive a long distance relationship will help you two make it.

5.Try And Keep The Love Flame Burning

Just because you can’t see or touch each other doesn’t mean that the sexual flame has to burn out. With the wonders of today’s technologies you can easily schedule Skype sex with your partner and send each other cheeky photos. It might feel weird at first but you’ll both get into it!


6. Visit Each Other

This is the best way to really feel involved in each other’s lives- visit them where they are and get a glimpse of their day to day life. Spend time with their friends or family and make the most of their company. When they come to visit you it’s also a chance to show them your life and make them feel a part of it. These tips to survive a long distance relationship will help you two make it.

7. Trust Each Other

It’s so important to be able to trust each other when you’re living in different cities/countries/continents. This doesn’t mean demanding every single miniature detail about their whereabouts, in fact it means the opposite. Unless they are behaving really suspiciously, try to maintain full trust in their word.

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8. Let Each Other Live Your Lives

This is such an important tip to survive long distance – let each other live your lives. The last thing you want to do is hold each other back, so let them enjoy their social life and you enjoy yours. If you or they come across new and exciting opportunities, support each other, and think about the logistics afterwards. These tips to survive a long distance relationship will help you two make it.

9. Invest In Your Friendships

Friends are one of the greatest forms of support you will ever receive in your life, so use the absence of your partner as an opportunity to invest fully in your friendships! Keep active and make plans with your nearest and dearest – don’t let being in a long distance relationship define you and make the time memorable for other things too.

10. Stay Positive

Accept the challenge that long distance relationships are tough and remain positive. Not everything is going to happen as you expect it, you’re going to have good days and bad days, but try and remind yourself that the situation is only temporary. A positive mind will be appreciated by your partner and will help to keep you healthy and happy. These tips to survive a long distance relationship will help you two make it.


Which of these tips to survive a long distance relationship are you going to try? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit