Categories: After Uni

10 Tips On How To Survive Post-Grad Depression

We all know how hard post-graduation depression hits you because you can no longer hang out with your bestest pals all day, go and boogie pretty much every night and even though essay writing was the reason you used to cry yourself to sleep you’re still gutted you won’t be submitting anything last minute.

As coming to the realisation of being a graduate is a struggle, I am going to give you 10 tips on how to survive this depressing stage of becoming a full-time adult.

1. Cry

Crying is a great way to relieve stress; take it from me, letting those tears out will help you with overcoming this post-grad depression that won’t last forever. Just let it all out.

2. Next Opportunity

Now you’re a graduate, you will unfortunately be expected to find a grad job and one of the most depressing things about that is the no’s. It’s very common that you will receive a few rejections from jobs and that is totally ok. Remember, you’re new at this and some things are just not meant to be so don’t beat yourself up about it and keep going until it finally pays off… Which it definitely will.

No means next opportunity, as cringey as that is.

3. Uni Friends

Make sure to keep in contact with your friends who helped you get through those tough 3 years; reminiscing with them on your group chat is a great way to relive your uni days and keep a smile on that face of yours.

4. Remember Why

You have to remember why you went to university in the first place; you wanted to pursue a career in something you’re genuinely interested in and well… Maybe party a little. So, rather than be in post-grad depression, remember you’re going to be happy again and you can still have a cheeky bevvy.

5. Adulting Comes With It’s Perks

Adulting may be hideously boring due to paying bills, finding jobs and not being cooked for by your fabulous mother but it also does have it’s perks. First of all, you get to decorate your own home which if you’re a girl, you’ll definitely be able to appreciate. Second of all, you’ll be able to make more friends at your new workplace; however, they will never replace your uni friends, obviously.

See Also

Thirdly, you get to start your independent life; meaning you can do whatever the hell you want. Want ice cream for dinner? you eat ice cream for dinner!

6. There’s Always A Masters

This might not be the answer to helping with your post-grad depression but it’s always an option if you just aren’t ready to leave your student ways behind. Do remember, after that year or two you’ll still be back here wondering what’s going to happen with your life so make sure you’re choosing to do a Masters for all the right reasons.

7. Photos

I’m sure you took a loaaaad of photos during your three years of university; if so, to help with your post-grad depression you can either hang them up around your room because they bring back very good memories that’ll cheer you up or lock them away until your life is a bit more stable… It’s your choice.

8. Stay Occupied

On the other hand, rather than holding onto the past make new memories and keep yourself occupied. Meet up with your uni mates or plan a holiday so that you always have something to look forward to; just don’t stay cooped up in your room hating life.

Have any of these tips helped you out of your post-grad depression? Or do you have any tips of your own? Comment them below and you might help a fellow struggling graduate out!

Featured Image Source:
Shannon Mugford

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