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15 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At University of Aberdeen

15 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At University of Aberdeen

These years fly by, so make sure you take advantage of your time at this school. Here are 15 things you will regret not doing at University of Aberdeen.

Spending four years (at least) in the same place might seem like a little bit of drag sometimes. But trust me these years fly by and the following 15 things you will read below will definitely make you pat yourself on the back for choosing Aberdeen. Here are 15 things you will regret not doing at University of Aberdeen.

1. Exploring campus

I stand by my choice when I say that UofA has one of the most diverse campus I’ve ever seen. When I say diverse I don’t only mean the amount of beautifully different people you meet, but I also mean the huge difference in buildings from the left to the right side of campus. You have buildings like MacRobert that are way more modern, but not far away you have, my personal favourite, King’s college and then you have the piece of modern art which is our library.



2. Seeing campus at night

For most of us that live in Hillhead this is usually something that happens by accident after a night out and making the executive decision that walking back is much better than paying for a taxi (it really isn’t). But it is one of the best accidental encounters that can happen, because campus is beautiful at night. I don’t know exactly what it is, whether it’s the lighting or just the feeling of seeing this forever busy place completely empty and quite but it makes it look magical.



3. Spending the night at the library

I know this might sound crazy, but you will quickly learn that the top floors of the library have one of the nicest views of campus and the far away sea. Therefore spending the night there during stressful exam period, is made a little more enjoyable by view of the merging land and sea.


4. Joining a society

I made the mistake of not really joining any societies my first year at university and I can definitely tell you I regret that. I am now part of various societies; including my beloved Psychology Society and I can tell you it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made at university so far. Not only is it good for your future and transcript but more importantly it gives you the opportunity to meet a boat load of people that have the same interests as you and that are just all together lovely.



5. Getting to know your professors

I know this might seem crazy, because Lecturers often seem like prestigious robots but honestly they’re not. They are just a potential future you, and they are probably the most helpful people you will meet at uni. They are so down to earth and are always willing to help to the best of their ability. And always remember that nothing bad can come from trying to familiarise yourself with your lecturers they can help you future more than you can ever imagine and they’re genuinely just nice people.




6. Eating at The Hub

As a student you are often faced with the following question; “Im hungry, what should eat?” The Hub is the answer to all your prayers; it has everything from vegan, to pizza passing by Mexican food. It’s just such an affordable and social place to eat as you’re inevitably going to sit next to someone you know or have seen around campus before.



7. Throwing your own party

Throwing your own party might seem like a very complicated ordeal, but it’s always going to be so much fun. Whether you pair up with someone else to lighten the planning or decide to brave it and hope you don’t forget to invite anyone, there is one cardinal rule you should never forget; BYOB. Tell everyone to Bring Your Own Booze. Everyone knows you’re a student and can’t afford to buy alcohol for everyone, but by doing this you’re also allowing yourself to have more beverages than you thought you would ever have, because no one is ever going to deny the Birthday girl/boy a taste of their alcohol of choice.


8. Skipping class when it’s still/already dark outside

Aberdeen is known for it’s long dark winter days, therefore no one will hold you responsible for not being able to make it to that 9am on Monday morning that one time. But don’t make it a habit because your friends will hold you responsible and might think you’ve dropped out.



9. Drop by all bars in town

Prohibition, Dusk, Orchid, Paramount, Jam Jar and usually finishing it off at Nox nightclub are the signs for a successful night out. Most of these places might not seem like much from the outside but they’re definitely a must do, they’ll make your night memorable.



10. Going to a sports event

It doesn’t matter which one you choose, all UofA sports events give you the opportunity to experience this family feeling away from home. You’ll experience the real Uni spirit and enjoy yourself while watching some great quality sportsmanship.



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11. Go to University organised events

Maybe this should be the first point in this post because it’s really the first thing you’ll encounter. Events like the Freshers Fair are the absolute best way for you to meet people and just get to know the university as a whole. And there’s always a lot of free food, so why even miss it in the first place.



12. Visit Seaton Park

This place does harbour mixed feelings amongst a lot of people, depending on what time of day you go there. But, no one will deny its beauty when we reach springtime and all the flowers have started to bloom. When the sun hits this little park it honestly feels magical, you have the trees, the park and the river all mixed up into one. After a long day at uni it’s the most calming and honestly worth the detour.



13. Travel Abroad

Aberdeen uni has some of the best exchange programs across the world. Whether you’re not ready to go too far, or you’re ready for a big change there’s something for you. The best part is that you can choose whether you feel adventurous enough to go for a whole year or just one semester, and those opportunities are available all the way up to third year. So be daring, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity!


14. Having Uni spirit

I know this might seem cheesy, but UofA is your family away from home and it’s always there for you, so why not show your pride by sporting a uni sweatshirt or sportswear. There’s plenty to choose from and if none of it is your style, reminding people that UofA is the best when asked where you study is plenty spirit already.



15. Make Friends for Life

Aberdeen will introduce you to people that will be by your side forever even if you go far away. No matter if you do any of the above, the most important thing to remember is that uni is the place where you’ll make some of the best memories. Those relationships built during your years at UofA will be the most memorable thing about your journey.



What are some other things you will regret not doing at University of Aberdeen? Comment below!
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