
The Ultimate Morning Stretch Routine You Should Try

A morning stretch routine is a great way to begin your day. Stretching helps your muscles and joints to not become stiff and you will be less likely to develop joint problems as you age. A quick morning stretch routine a few times a week, could help you avoid problems in the future. These exercises can also be done before bed, if you don’t have enough time to do them in the morning. Here are a few morning stretch exercises you can do at home.

Standing twist

First you stand together with your feet straight and your shoulders wide a part. Make sure you keep your chest out and head forward. Then you spot your hands on each other and extend your arms in front. Rotate your torso and head to a single side. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Standing side bend

Stand tall with your feet shoulder width a part, hold your hands together and raise your arms up and above your head. Bend your torso to the right, as far as it feels comfortable and pause. Then return to the initial position and bend to the left side. Keep alternating sides. Do this exercise for 30 seconds.

Arm shoulder stretch

Stand upright and clasp your hands together over your head. When your arms reach the limit, stop forcing. Then stand straight and don’t lean forward or backward. Do this for 30 seconds.

Trunk circle

Stand straight with your hands rested on your waist. Keep your core stable and bend your trunk forward. Then slowly rotate your trunk in a circular motion and repeat. Do this for 20 seconds.

Big arm circle

Stand straight with your arms wide open, keep your palms to the ceiling and the elbows slightly bent. Draw large circles in the air with your arms. After one minute reverse it for another minute. Do this for 30 seconds.

Front thigh stretches

Kick your heel to your buttocks and grab the top of the foot with your hand. Press the foot into your hand to accentuate the stretch. Hold onto a wall or chair if you’re having trouble holding your balance. Repeat with the other side. Do each thigh for 20 seconds.

Standing hip circle

Begin standing on one leg, leaning on a wall for support if needed. Raise the unsupported knee to 90 degrees. This will be your starting position. Open the hip as far as possible, attempting to make a big circle with your knee. Then perform this movement slowly for a number of repetitions and repeat on the other side. Do this for 20 seconds.

See Also

Back stretch

Start on all fours, keep your arms forward and sit back so your butt is resting just above your heels. Then hold and breathe deeply, feeling the breath reach all the way into your hips.

Cobra pose

Lie face down on the floor with your palms near your chest. Lift your torso by straightening your arms and bending at the hips. Pull shoulders back and push chest out. Hold position for 20-30 seconds.

Cool down stretch

You can complete your morning stretch by standing straight  and take a deep breath with your arms reaching over your head. Inhale when your arms are up and exhale when your arms are down slowly. Do this exercise for 30 seconds.

These few morning stretch exercises can help you to become more flexible in no time. Try to do this routine daily or at least 3-4 times a week to help build consistency. Comment down below any morning stretch exercises you recommend.

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Shenell Lewinson

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