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The College Orientation Checklist You’ll Want To Follow

The College Orientation Checklist You’ll Want To Follow

Doesn't matter if your are a freshman or a senior, it is always good to keep a checklist by yourself! Here are 8 essential things to keep in your checklist

Whether you are a freshman or a senior, it is always good to have a college orientation checklist before school starts. Here is the checklist to help you get the most out of this college year.

1. Don’t Forget To Bring A High-Quality Pair Of Shoes

You want to make sure yourself feeling comfortable on the first day at the college. A great basic pair of shoes should be the first thing to put in your college orientation checklist as it not only keeps you comfy all day long but also looks fashionable. You can wear either sneakers or boots, as long as it makes you feel confident then it will be a yes-yes.

2. And Flip Flops

When you first move out from your loving house to go to the dorm, you will probably want to be well-prepared for your dorm life and a pair of flip flops is the second thing you want to think of. It is easy to put on and take off when you want to walk around your dorm. Moreover, when you first move in your dorm room, after unpacking everything, you will surely want to go freshen up yourself and this is when a pair of flip flops become handy.


3. Prepare Some Notebooks With You Beside Your Laptop

We all know that going to college means that you don’t need to write down everything like when you were in high school. However, a notebook for you to write down every key idea and important details of the lesson is very useful. And trust me when I say writing make you remember longer than typing, this is proved by scientists from Princeton University and the University of California. So, put some cute notebooks in your backpack and get ready to study!

4. Remember To Key Down Your Class Registration Day

This is the most important thing to put down in your college orientation checklist. You can use some sticky notes or your phone to remind yourself about your class registration day. Choose the class that you want at the time you want. Remember: if you are not an early bird, don’t choose the 8 AM class if you don’t want to skip class and all of that important knowledge!

5. Spare Glasses

If you are short-sighted or long-sighted, you will want to have spare glasses on your way to college just in case you get hit by a ball or lose your glasses, you will have another right away. You can purchase a different style of glasses to change as an alternative.

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6. Important Papers

Don’t forget to write this down in your college orientation checklist in red, bold, and underline! You don’t want to forget your ID or your medical statement at home on the first day at school when you need to fill any form.

7. Research

A little bit of research might be helpful if you are a freshman. Have a look at your college website to have a common background about where you are going to spend four years. Finding out about society and club at your college can be fun. Another reason for you to do research before studying is to understand what is your future course’s aim, having a steady knowledge and plan your study better.


8. Childhood Blanket

It is tough to leave home going to another place and missing your bed. You can bring your childhood blanket or a photo of your family to cheer you up after a long studying day.

Have you ticked off any of this list? Are you ready to start a new chapter of your life now! What else do you think should be in your college orientation checklist? Tell us what do you think in the comment below!

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