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The Best Doormats For Your Residency This Autumn

The Best Doormats For Your Residency This Autumn

Here are the best doormats to add some fun and flair to your apartment. Witty phrases make a great first impression for guests. Here are our top picks!

Autumn means mud and grubby footprints. If you’re looking to fulful the same New Year’s resolution you make every year and actually keep your flat spotless all year round doormats can be a great helping hand. First impressions are important too at the start of a new academic year, and you could make a good one by having a Class A doormat. But if you’re not going to get a novelty doormat, is there any point in getting a doormat at all? The answer is probs not, so here are the best doormats we think would look perfect outside your door.

Hi I’m Mat

If you have a very silly sense of humour like me, this doormat will get you chuckling every time you walk into your flat. It will probably give all your guests a giggle too. If not they’re boring and not worth having in your home, chuck ’em.


Whalecome Bitches

You might want to swap this one out every time you have disapproving parents visiting, but aside from that this pun-tastic doormat is a winner. It’s cute and is literally w(hal)elcoming, what’s not to love? One of the best doormats we have seen.

Fo Shizzle

Fo shizzle you know you’re at the most happenin’ hizzle that the neighbourhood-izzle when you come across this Dizzle. Dizzle meaning doormat and the -izzle being completely unnecessary. But if you’re a bit gangsta and you don’t care who knows it, this is the doormat for you.


A Welcome Reminder

Another one of the best doormats. This doormat could potentially save lives. How many times have you come home to find your straighteners still on and thought ‘Thank f*** I didn’t burn the house down.’ You definitely would not have gotten your deposit back if you had. This doormat will warn you every single time and leave your passage clean and your flat fire-free.


Break With Convention

Who says doormats need to be rectangular? A differently shaped doormat like this Record doormat from Amazon is both quirky and maybe a bit confusing

Welcome To The Mad House

If you’re flat is a mix of medics, lawyers, classicists and engineering students, it’s going to be a mad year. This doormat will sufficiently describe your place before you even get a chance to witness the frenzy within.

See Also
Before you know it the fall will be here, and it will be back to university all over again. When it comes to preparing for uni, this is what you need to know, no matter what year you are.

Always Be Yourself, Unless…

Whatever anyone says, unicorns and rainbows are still all the rage. A whimsical doormat to greet you as you come home is always pleasant.


Make Your Own Mat

Another one of the best doormats- why? You can plaster whatever witticisms or catchy slogans you might have packed away in your head onto a personalised doormat to tell everyone that you are in fact hilarious. It’s a great gift too for any potential housewarmings.


Even if you have a horde of muddy-shoes rugby players traipsing through your front door, your shiny floors will stay (almost) squeaky clean. Which of our best doormats did you a-door? (Sorry again).

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