
How To Stay Healthy at University

How To Stay Healthy at University

Staying healthy at University is not as easy as it may seem! I’m sure by now you’ve all heard of…

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I Tried The Cinnamon Detox And This Is What It Did

In 2018, there are many detoxing methods out there if you’re looking to revitalise your health! An interesting one I…

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8 Fruits That Are Good For The Heart

Now we’re constantly being bombarded with foods that are meant to be healthy for you but sometimes all we need…

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The Best Workouts To Do If You Workout Once A Week

If you're exercise-phobic, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to actually work out, let alone work out once a…

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Super Easy Fitness Hacks That Will Change Your Life

Lets be real, with bikini season fast approaching, we're all starting to panic that we may have let ourselves go…

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12 Healthy Alcoholic Drink Options To Opt For Over Beer And Wine

Summer is here, which probably means you're drinking more than usual. After all, who doesn't love a glass of wine…

2 weeks ago

A Guide To Staying Healthy At Uni

Staying healthy at uni can be really difficult, especially with all the binge drinking, fast food and the notorious freshers…

2 weeks ago

How To Cut Down On Sugar During University And Prevent The Freshers 15

University is where our home and school disciplined diets go to die. We’re finally free to eat and drink what…

2 weeks ago

8 Things You Can Do On A Treadmill Besides Run

Whether you are a gym fanatic or a beginner, you always need to find new adventurous exercises to spice up…

3 weeks ago

10 Top Tips On How To Get Fit In 2019

Getting fit is frequently on the top many peoples to do lists, especially at the start of the year. The…

3 weeks ago