
Being A Student With Anxiety Disorder – What First Year Taught Me

Being A Student With Anxiety Disorder – What First Year Taught Me

Going to uni is a big deal. But, sometimes anxiety seems to get in the way. Here is what first…

5 months ago

Tips To Help You Through An Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks are hard to deal with once you’re in the midst of them. The main difference between an anxiety…

5 months ago

Small Changes That Can Have A Big Impact On Your Mental Health

With exam season and school just ending, some of us might be feeling a bit down or stressed out right…

9 months ago

10 Ways To Help Manage Your Anxiety Whilst You’re At Uni

Anxiety sucks wherever you are, but for a lot of people, starting uni can make things even more difficult. The…

10 months ago

5 Ways You Can Use Overthinking To Your Advantage

Many of us are far too familiar with the overwhelming cycle of anxiety that exhausts every area of our life.…

12 months ago

10 Signs You’re Overwhelmed And How To Fix It

Let’s face it, we’ve all felt overwhelmed at some point in our lives. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed right now and…

1 year ago

The 10 Best Ways To Deal With Dating Someone With Anxiety

Anxiety can present itself in many shapes and forms, and it isn’t always easy to understand. Dating someone with a…

1 year ago

How Do I Stay Calm When Everything Is Starting To Build Up

What do I mean by everything? I mean anything that I am emotionally invested in that being friends, family, work,…

1 year ago

I Thought I Was Involved In A Terrorist Attack And It Was Traumatising

I live in London for over five years now, and it wasn't until the November 2015 Paris terrorist attacks that…

1 year ago

Here’s Why JOMO Is Better Than FOMO

If you're anything like me, on more than one occasion you'll have succumbed to FOMO. It's a familiar affair: you've…

5 years ago