Categories: Relationships

5 Small Ways To Show Your Partner That You Love Them

How do you show your partner that you love them? Letting your partner know that you love them is an important aspect in any relationship and one that shouldn’t be overlooked. Couples that communicate their feelings to each other have stronger relationships, and knowing that the love you share is mutual keeps things positive and only amplifies your feelings more. Saying “I love you” to your significant other can validate your feelings, but for some people, action can speak louder than words. Here are 5 ways to show your partner that you love them, without actually saying it.

1. Experience new things together

Always try to be down when it comes to trying new things with your partner. Entering a new activity together or travelling to a place you’ve never been is something that will be memorable for both of you. You’ll get to learn even more about your significant other and it shows that you’re happy to make new experiences as long as you’re with them. Even if you get a little nervous when it comes to doing something new, overcoming your boundaries and making new experiences with your partner will stick with you. You’ll both feel closer, have more opportunities to bond and you’ll be able to look back on those memories with fondness.

2. Give them your undivided attention

Show your partner that you love them by having the willingness to listen. If you’re really in love with your partner then this should be easy as pie. When you spend one-to-one time together, whether that’s a date, dinner or cuddling in front of the TV, avoid interruptions such as constantly checking your phone. Things like this give the impression that you’re not interested. During these moments, maintain eye contact and show genuine interest in your partner. It tells them that at this moment, they’re the priority and you love them.

3. Do little things that show you listen

From knowing their favourite food order to keeping track of their interests and hobbies. Paying attention to what they like show that you’re invested, find them interesting and care about what they like. Another example is wearing a dress, outfit or accessory that you know your partner finds you attractive in. Small acts like this show your partner that you love them as you’re still interested in learning what they like and want to impress them beyond the initial dating stage.

See Also

4. Acts of service

Each person has a different love language and your partner may be the kind of person that values small acts of services. This could involve cooking a meal for when they come home from work, cleaning up because you know they hate having a mess or doing small errands without being asked. Remember that small favours like these aren’t degrading and it doesn’t mean that you’re running a maid service. You’re doing this because you care about your significant other and want to take some of the load off them. If your partner values these types of actions then they’ll feel loved and really appreciate it.

5. Encourage them to take time for themselves

This may sound counterproductive but trust me, it really isn’t. Everyone needs their own private time to rewind, destress and gather their thoughts. Some people can have issues vocalising this or feel bad if they think they aren’t providing enough time for their partner. By encouraging your significant other to dedicate some time to themselves, it shows that you’re understanding and willing to take a step back for their wellbeing. Showing you love someone constantly and making sure they know it is fine, but letting your partner have time to themselves shows that you’re supportive and happy to give them the freedom to do what they enjoy.

How do you show your partner that you love them? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source:
Caitlin Jordan

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