15 Signs You’re An Indecisive Person

Are you an indecisive person? Not sure? Well put it this way, did you or did you not spend a few seconds hovering your thumb or cursor over this title before clicking? I’m just kidding, but let me tell you, I know it’s not easy. I’m one of those poor indecisive souls too; unable to make any decision at all sometimes because the idea of getting it wrong is truly mortifying. Here are 15 signs that you’re an indecisive person too.
1. You Never Want To Commit To Anything Too Far In Advance
How on earth are you supposed to know how you’ll feel in a few months time? Even a few weeks in advance is too much pressure.
2. You’d Rather Do Nothing Than Make The Wrong Call
It’s not about needing to make the right call, it’s the paralysing fear that you’ll make the wrong one.
3. You Spend Ages Getting Ready In The Morning
It doesn’t matter if you got your affairs in order the night before, there’s just no guarantee you’ll feel the same way the next morning. I must change my outfit at least twelve times every morning before I leave for uni or work; I’m almost habitually late and am still never satisfied with my decisions.
4. You Always Seem To Be Harassing Waitresses After You’ve Ordered, Trying To Change Your Order
I hate this about myself but I just can’t help it. I’ll deliberate over the mac and cheese with kale or the veggie club sandwich with soup for fifteen minutes, decide on the former, and then see a vegan Philly cheese steak with chips go to another table. I literally screech my chair back and run to the kitchen every time.
5. And Then Spend The Whole Time Wondering Aloud If That Had Been The Right Call
Usually it’ll arrive and I’ll declare gloomily that I should have gone fore the mac and cheese.
7. You Don’t Know What You Want
You’ll never know, just accept that now.
8. You Painstakingly Deliberate Over Every Little Detail
It doesn’t really make a difference though, you’re just waiting for someone else to make the decision for you.
9. You Never Know How To Answer Simple Questions Like “What’s Your Favourite Kind Of Music?”
10. Because There Are So Many Things To Take Into Consideration!
How can you ask such a broad question like that? Do these people write down their answers beforehand just to make you look bad?
11. You’re Not The Best Leader
It’s not a bad reflection on you, you just can’t bear the idea of making the wrong call. Even the greatest leaders can make the wrong call – they do it all the time in fact, it’s just that they don’t give as much of a damn as you.
12. Because You Question Your Own Ability
It’s a shame because you shouldn’t ever question what you’re capable of, but it definitely is a factor that weighs heavily upon the indecisive person’s ability to lead and feel worthy of influencing others.
13. And Therefore Are Less Likely To Take Risks
Wasn’t it Shakespeare who said “our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt”?
14. You’re Happier To Go With Someone Else’s Decision
Pressure. Alleviated. Pain. Gone.
15. But You Know That, Given Your Own Time, You’ll Get There Eventually
15. You Wish You Were More Assertive But Don’t Want To Seem Obtuse!
It’s not like you’re thinking it about everyone who makes decisions for you, you just worry that people will think it about you when you do it.