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15 Signs You Have Out Grown Your Friend Group

15 Signs You Have Out Grown Your Friend Group

15 Signs You Have Out Grown Your Friend Group

Growing out of your friendship group can be really scary, and it can be tough deciding whether or not your current friends are worth still hanging out with. These are 15 signs that are sure to help you decide whether its time to hand in the towel, or whether you should persist and stick with your team.

1. You’re Not Having Fun

Hanging out with your team can be the best ever. These days everyone is so busy that we need a release to just be silly and have fun! If you can no longer do the stuff that you find fun within your friendship group it may be time to reconsider your squad.

2. They’re Uninformed

If your friends are completely unaware of current events, and the current economic environment, that can be a complete turn off. It can be irritating and exhausting hanging around people that are oblivious to the world and that you’re constantly explaining things to.


3. All you do is get wrecked

Getting smashed with your besties can be the best, especially when you haven’t seen each other in a while. But if every time you hang out you have to get completely paralytic in order to tolerate them, there’s a problem here.

4. You can’t have intelligent conversations

The older and more informed you get, the more you want to discuss things. If your friend group is too superficial and you’re unable to debate and discuss intelligent things its likely you’ve out grown them.

5. You’re bored

You know when you’re sat at the pub with a group of people, and they’re talking but you’re just thinking ‘is 7pm too early to make an exit?’, and you haven’t heard a word anyone’s said. That’s a clear sign you’re bored. And if your friends bore you, what is the point of having them as friends?


6. You Argue A Lot

If you’re always arguing this is a red flag. This shows you’re irritated, or can no longer see eye to eye. Whats the point being friends if your night always ends in an argument, friends are meant to bring you up not pull you down. Especially if they’re petty arguments.

7. You Don’t Make An Effort

Remember those day’s you couldn’t wait to see each other, and you’d move heaven and earth just to squeeze in a brunch. If its been 6 months and you haven’t made any effort besides a ‘HBD’ text, your friendship is fizzling out!

8. They’re Immature

If you’re always rolling your eyes, or you feel like you’re baby sitting your friends, you’ve definitely out grown them. You want to feel like you’re growing together with your friend group, and not that they’re holding you back. If they are you should reconsider your team.


9. You No Longer Share The Same Interests

Its good to have versatility within a friendship group, and you don’t have to agree on everything. A bit of healthy debate is actually good. But if you completely have nothing in common and cant hold a conversation, or no longer care what other people are saying, you’ve out grown each other.

10. They Don’t Get You Anymore

The best things about having super close friends is that you can completely be yourself. And they absolutely love you for it. They get what you’re about and they want a copy. If they simply don’t get you anymore you don’t have that freedom to be you!

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11. You’re Too Politically Different

As you mature, politics becomes more apparent and personal to us. We learn what we believe in politically and they become increasingly important to us. If you learn that your friends are on completely different sides of the spectrum than you, your friendship is not going to last, you may even become frenemies.

12. You Only Talk About The Past

Talking about the past, and reminiscing with your friends can be funny and great. But if you’re stuck in the past and have nothing new to talk about you’ve out grown each other. It shows you don’t really have an intentions to bring them into your future, or truly part of your present.

13. You Can’t Blend Them With New Friends

Its a natural part of life that you’re going to make new friends as time goes on. Its great if you can introduce your day ones with you new friends, and you don’t have to worry about them not getting along or drama happening. If you feel like you wont be able to introduce your old friends to your new ones it shows you’re embarrassed by them or feel they have no place in your future.


14. They Influence Bad Decisions

When growing up you’re probably, no, definitely going to fuck up every once in a while. But if you’re making a lot of regrettable decisions that don’t just make you feel bad in the morning, but the next week too, and only with those friends, they’re probably not great for you as a person. Its good to go crazy and have fun, but making terrible decisions do not help personal development.

15. If You Met Them Today You Wouldn’t Be Friends

A good and simple way of telling whether you’ve out grown your squad is by asking yourself whether you’d actually like them or want to be friends if you met them today. Nostalgia can give you rose tinted glasses but you have to think about the present and the future. Not live in the past!

Cutting off friendship ties is never nice, but if you’ve outgrown your group there’s not much you can do. How was your friendship break up? Let us know in the comments below!

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