Fashion & Beauty

10 Rose Gold Ombre Hair Looks That You’ll Love

Rose gold ombre hair is a really big trend, and it seems to show no sign of fading away as the weather warms up. Here are some great colour combinations you can put with the stunning pinks to get that rose gold ombre hair.

The Classic Blonde

This gorgeous blonde to pink ombre is perfect for the coming summer months. It gives your hair a nice light look whilst adding a bit of extra flair with the pink tips.

A Bit Of A Dark Side

If you love the pink but blonde is way too light for your atheistic, this beautifully vibrant style would look stunning on anyone!

Think Pink

This ombre lives for the pink! Having it the majority of the way through your hair also gives you more leeway before you have to redye it because it looks like the colour should be that far down your hair.

Violet Posy

This one isn’t necessarily “rose gold” but its a softer variation of the trend for those who don’t think the copper tones would suit their complexion.

Cotton Candy Waves

This look is more of a drop shadow than an ombre. I like to call it the “lazy girl’s” ombre. This look would be a pain in the arse to do, the amount of bleach you’d need does not bare thinking about, the finished product however is well worth it and a lot lower maintenance as you can just let the colour grow down into an ombre effect.

Upside Down

I LOVE this one, it turns the typical blonde to pink ombre on its head, and honestly I just think it looks gorgeous with the pink at the roots.

Pastel Princess Blush

This is another one for the those that are afraid of coppery tones washing you out. This is a brilliant way to get the rosy tones in your hair and match your skin tone.

See Also

Straight As A Dye

This modern bob proves that rose gold ombre looks good in all styles. It really does suit everyone!

Pearlised Pale Pink

A great contrast is provided in this beautiful brunette to baby pink ombre. It gives an amazing effect and would look stunning with any summer trend

Phoenix Pink

A fiery take on the classic ombre. This vibrant style makes anyone stand out, and would look amazing in all your summer selfies

Would you try rose gold ombre hair? Let us know in the comments below!
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