
It is so important for you and your SO to talk about your sex life for so many reasons. Communication is key in a relationship!
10 Reasons Why You And Your SO Should Talk About Your Sex Life

It’s so important for you and your SO to talk about your sex life. It…

Find out how to reignite the spark in your long term relationship. Here are a few ways you can bring excitement back into your relationship.
10 Ways To Keep Your Long Term Relationship Exciting

When you have been in a long term relationship, things can tend to get a…

Why want a boyfriend when you can have a cat? Here is a list of 5 reasons why cats are monumentally better than boyfriends!
5 Reasons Why Your Cat Is Better Than A Boyfriend

Are you having too much drama with boys and boyfriends? Well, take a step back…

Summer is coming and we are dreaming of the perfect June weddings, but before you get married you kind of need to be engaged. Here are the best proposal ideas that leave us breathless.
5 Of The Best Proposal Ideas We Can’t Get Over

Summer is coming and we are dreaming of the perfect June weddings, but before you…

Not sure if you still miss your ex or not? You feel like you're lost? Don't worry, here are 5 signs you're still not over your ex.
5 Signs You’re Still Not Over Your Ex

Trying to get over an ex is always the hardest thing to do after a…

Relationships today are different than how they used to be. Here is a list of ways in regards to just how they have changed.
5 Ways Relationships Today Are Different To Relationships In The Past

My Dad cannot keep up with today’s dating lingo, only recently he asked me to…

If you're a lover of romcom movies, and believe that all you want in life is to live a real romcom moment - well, don't. Here's a list of reasons why a romantic comedy, and all romance movies in general, are not telling to a true relationship.
10 Untrue Things Romcom Movies Make You Believe About Relationships

Romcoms are great films, usually the main character is a girl in her early twenties…

Different types of relationships have emerged for people to explore their own definition of love. Here are 10 types of relationships other than monogamy.
10 Types Of Relationships Other Than Monogamy

Relationships are ever changing and now more than ever there are so many different types…

Find out about the things all boys worry about in relationships. You might find that we don't think that differently after all.
10 Things All Boys Worry About In Relationships

*Warning of generalisation* Unfortunately there is the common stereotype that all men have to be…

Knwoing hwo to get over someone is tough, but knowing how to get over someone you were never even with is harder. Here are some tips.
How To Get Over Someone You Never Even Dated

Knowing how to get over someone is hard. Break-ups are the worst – we all…