
Why You Should Move To Brighton After A Heart Break

Why You Should Move To Brighton After A Heart Break

Break-ups suck, but there's a million and one reasons why you should move to Brighton to heal your heartbreak. Here…

7 years ago

15 Signs You Have A Long Distance Best Friend

Your wifey-for-lifey can either live 3 hours or 3 days away, but that doesn’t matter because even if you don’t…

7 years ago

The 10 Types Of Guys You’ll Meet In London

London is a huge city, populated by over 8 million with many different types of people living within it. Within…

7 years ago

6 Tips For Getting Along With Your Housemates

  University throws a lot of very different people together. You will most likely meet more people in your time…

7 years ago

Why You Should Go To University With Your High School Sweetheart

It's hard to leave behind people you love when you go to uni. Well, maybe you shouldn't. Here's why you…

7 years ago