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20 Reasons Why UL Is The Greatest School On Earth

20 Reasons Why UL Is The Greatest School On Earth

Everyone thinks that their school is the best, and they're entitled to their opinion. Keep reading for 20 reasons why UL is the greatest school on Earth!

Everyone thinks that their school is the best, and they’re entitled to their opinion. The University of Limerick is an amazing school with top programs and clubs and societies for its students. There are endless resources and people who have pushed me at UL to be the best I can be. Keep reading for 20 reasons why UL is the greatest school on Earth!

1. The Atmosphere!

The overall atmosphere of the University of Limerick is enough solely to vouch for why in actual fact it’s the greatest university around. The Student Union courtyard is always buzzing with fantastic activities, giving a homely, friendly atmosphere to the campus environment.


2. There’s always great nightlife.

Planning nights out is never a fear with students of the University of Limerick when the on campus pubs and restaurants host various evenings. From the tea appreciation society holding regular tea parties in the Millstream Common Room to the Stables holding an International night every Friday for our Erasmus and Study- Abroad friends, there is never a boring night around.


3. Black Dog!

Oh the infamous myth- is it a myth? Who is Black Dog, you ask? Well, Black Dog is not in actual fact a UL myth- he’s real! Although many have yet to cross paths with this friendly furry animal, Black Dog can often be met in the evenings, roaming around the UL grounds.


4. Clubs and societies for everyone.

With the variation of over 70- yes 70! – different clubs and societies, there is a hobby out there for you all. And the University of Limerick are always on hand to help you find out what exactly that hobby is. There are the usual, classic clubs such as Gaelic football, badminton and the likes but there is also a range of more interesting clubs to partake in such as Parkour and Ultimate Frisbee, pretty cool, huh? As for the societies. Well, there in a league of their own with a week dedicated solely to them – SoUL Week, Societies of UL week, where for the week they have the stage to showcase what they can really do, from The Animal Welfares,” Puppies and Choccies,” to the Comedy Socs Open Mic Night. The week at question is so special it even got its own Snapchat filter!!!

5. Wolfie!

I mean who doesn’t love a big furry friendly wolf? Wolfie has to be the best mascot ever to grace the earth, standing for what the University of Limerick truly believe in- solidarity and strength. The UL wolves brand has skyrocketed in the last number of years and no wonder. The whole meaning behind the “UL Wolves,” brand and logo makes every UL student super proud to wear their logo.



6. Farmers Market Tuesday

The Student Union courtyard is the best place to be in terms of events, we’ve already established this fact. But Farmers Market Tuesday is one of the most exciting days of the week for any University of Limerick student. From fancy chocolate to Chinese food, the Farmers Market has something to pick at everyone’s fancy!

7. Student Union, First 7 Weeks

From the tight knit Students Union to the First Seven Weeks initiative, the transition from Secondary School to University life is made easy. The First Seven Weeks put on an array of workshops for First Years to not only make friends but also learn how to work as a University student. As for the Students Union- these are the people behind some of the biggest and most special parts of UL, the events are all run through the Students Union and it is the achievement of the SU for bagging some amazing acts over the years from Freshers Week to Charity Week.



8. UL Sports Arena

The facilities offered by UL Sports Arena are to die for! If there ever was an incentive to get – or keep fit at UL it is the UL Sports Arena with its 50m National Swimming pool and top class health and leisure facilities- And that’s only parts of what is indoors! The UL Sports Arena has a range of all weather pitches in the surrounding area. Gym membership is so very reasonable for University of Limerick Students at just over 200 euro for the School year- what isn’t to love?

9. PVA

As if students didn’t already have an incentive to join in with volunteering, the university do an amazing initiative where each year they give students recognition for their volunteering efforts. Though students are only delighted to get involved and help where they can it is amazing the encouragement received from this amazing university.



10. State of the art library.

Personally, the Glucksman Library is one of my favourite things about UL. It’s STATE OF THE ART- no exaggeration. And, as if it wasn’t already an amazing library, UL students are lucky enough for the expansion currently being undergone. In the new 2017 year students will be able to avail of even more working space in the library.

11. World wide known lecturers.

The lecturers and tutors in UL and some of the best with award winning Donal Ryan and author Eoin Devereux to name but a few on hand to help the students at all times.


12. The scenery.

The University of Limerick bridge- need I say anymore? Just one of the many scenic and eye pleasing features of the University of Limerick.

13. The people!

Okay, so this definitely ties in with the atmosphere, I know- but in all honesty this is one of the greatest things about UL- I’ve said that about a few things, I’m aware but I really mean it this time. The people and atmosphere tie in with one another and you wouldn’t get one without the other. But you’ve people from all around Ireland- and then some! UL has one of the highest Erasmus statistics and this is an applaudable reason why students make friends with people of all ethnic backgrounds and cultures.

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14. Thomond Park Stadium & the rugby pitches- home to the Munster Rugby Squad.

Rugby players.. need I say much more? I kid.. slightly.. not fully- but seriously this is such a big thing for UL- home to the Munster Rugby Squad. Guess that’s the upside of having such a state of the art sports arena- we’ve big name sport squads coming to visit.


15. The University Concert Hall.

Not many Universities can say they own their very own Concert Hall and this is quite a spectacular one with a vary of concerts, pageants and cinema screenings. Keep an eye out for the Christmas shows- Sleeping Beauty looks unreal!


16. Availability to indulge in other cultures, make friends from different backgrounds etc.

From the subjects to the Erasmus and Study Abroad facility- it’s amazing how much you’d learn about other cultures and make friends with those over other cultures.


17. Range of programmes and courses for everyone of all ages and interests.

UL boasts of having an array of modules to pick and choose from to make a course specific and individual to yourself- and this is proven. I speak from experience when I speak about the modules and courses in UL. There is literally something to suit every single person.

18. Erasmus and Co-op.

UL are partnership with many Universities across the globe. UL also boasts of an Erasmus programme on each and every course they have. Students have the ability to travel to places such as Japan and Amsterdam- you name it, you’re sure to be able to travel there on your Erasmus programme.

19. Online resources to enable you to get the most out of your course.

University of Limerick provide the best of the best when it comes to online facilities and resources from the library website to resources that will assist you in correctly citing and referencing works as well as getting extra information to push your marks up a little more in those assignments.


20. (Sports) Scholarships.

University of Limerick is big on sports and they offer amazing support for those big in sport with their annual sporting scholarships which have helped sporting stars such as 300m hurdler Olympian Thomas Barr.

What are some other reasons why UL is the greatest school on earth? Comment below and share the article!
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