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8 Perfect Biscuit Recipes To Make This Winter

8 Perfect Biscuit Recipes To Make This Winter

These biscuit recipes are perfectly sweet for any cold winter night this season! Here are some of the best recipes you can find!

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll love baking a fresh batch of biscuits ready for a chilly winters evening. Over the summer, I have had the chance to perfect a variety of biscuit recipes in preparation for the cold British weather to come.

1. Custard Creams

This is my number one favourite recipe and you can guarantee within a day they’re all gone because nobody can resist! I would recommend keeping them in the fridge thought to keep the buttercream fresh and the biscuits crunchy. I have found that if I leave them on the side then they tend to go soft. However, if you prefer a smooth, soft biscuit then feel free, they still taste just as delicious. This is one of the best buiscuit recipes.


2. Hobnobs

These biscuits will be perfect on a winter evening with a hot cup of tea. Be warned though. Due to the sugar and syrup they are VERY sweet, so some do recommend using less sugar. If you have a sweet tooth though then go all in, these perfectly crunchy biscuits can be left plain or decorated with melted chocolate.

3. Bourbons

Another British favourite that tastes just as good homemade instead of store bought and will go perfectly with a mug of hot chocolate this winter. I was extremely surprised when making this recipe to find out just how similar it was to the custard cream recipe, and just as tasty!


4. Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are ideal for beginner bakers and always taste good no matter how wrong they go. Unless you of course add salt instead of sugar like I once did, oops! If you’re a bit bored of the same old cookies then feel free to substitute plain milk chocolate for M&M’s, Maltesers or even chunks of toffee if you fancy a bit of a chewier biscuit.


5. Shortbread

Shortbread is probably the easiest biscuit you can make as it consists of so few ingredients. My personal favourite shortbread is thin and crumbly with raisins scattered throughout and a light dusting of sugar on top. But if raisins aren’t quite your cup of tea then of course there is nothing wrong with the original classic.

6. Gingerbread

Before we get to winter, we have to make it through the autumn and no biscuit will prepare you for winter better than Gingerbread. It is considered to be the most festive of all the biscuits and is sure to get you in the mood for Christmas. If you’re feeling extra adventurous you can always attempt to make it into a gingerbread house! Good luck!

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7. Jaffa cakes

Jaffa cakes are undeniably British, but I feel that most people would never dream of attempting to make them themselves. But trust me! They are not as difficult as you’d think with the only challenge being making them look neat. But who really cares about the appearance when they taste this good! This is one of the biscuit recipes we love!


8. Oreos

I can guarantee that at one point in your life you just couldn’t get enough of Oreos. And you’ve most definitely had the debate of whether the cream or the biscuit is better. (It’s the biscuit). But why do you have to choose between the two? With this recipe you’ll never be able to decide as both biscuit and cream are too delicious to argue over. This is one of the best buiscuit recipes!

Happy baking everyone. What are your favourite biscuit recipes? Which biscuit recipes did we miss? Tell us in the comments!
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