
An Open Letter To The Important Women Who Made Me Who I Am

This is an open letter for all of the brilliant, ridiculous, funny, unstoppable women in my life who have made me into the person I am today. I can never show enough appreciation for you. This is an accurate open letter to the important women who made me who I am today.

To my mother

You showed me that kindness can be strong. You showed me that sometimes you have to be the one to reach out first. You showed me how to navigate social situations, how to take opportunities, how to present myself as the best person I can be. You’ve been there for me through countless ups and downs. I admire your strength and your incredible work ethic. I thank you for bringing me up to be the person I am today. I am so grateful I get to be the daughter of a woman like you. This is a true open letter to the important women who made me who I am today.

To my sister

You showed me that, even when we fight, we still have each other’s back, and we will stick up for each other until the end. You are the one I text in an awkward situation, the one I ask everyday questions I should probably know the answer to, the one I go to when I need cheering up. I can always rely on you to sing your heart out with me, to attempt the Dirty Dancing lift, and to blast cheesy music. You work incredibly hard, and I am so proud of what you have achieved and what you will achieve in the future.

To my grandmothers

You showed me invaluable skills in different ways. You both love me in different ways, and I am the person I am today because of your influences. You took me to so many places, and taught me so much about your world, and how it used to be when you were growing up. You are so different from each other, but I love you both so much because of that. You taught me to follow my passions. Your influences on me have been unmistakable, and I can’t imagine life without either one of you. This is a raw open letter to the important women who made me who I am today.

To my friends

Similarly, I can’t imagine life without my female friends. You are the people there for me when I make mistakes, when I cry, when I feel so down I can’t go an hour without complaining. You are the people I sing loudly and unashamedly with, the ones I get lunch and gossip with, the ones who hug me on nights out and tell me how pretty I am when I hid that midnight slump. You have shown me so many different perspectives on life, and you always have my back, and I love you all for that. Thank you for being you. There are so many influential, wonderful women out there that need to be told just how amazing they are, but these are my main ones. These women have lifted me up, taken me (rightfully) down a peg or two, and made me the woman I am today. This is a real open letter to the important women who made me who I am today. Finally, I just want to say that:

See Also

and that will never change!

Which of these open letter to the important women who made me points do you relate to? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit
Rhiannon Ireland

Hey! I am a recently graduated Classics student who loves writing. I post my poetry on Instagram @ rhanireland and I am currently working on my second novel in my spare time. My favourite thing to write articles about are my own life experiences and what inspires me, open letters, fashion, beauty, or things I generally am enjoying at the moment. I am also a slight skincare addict, and love to share what has worked for me with others.

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