Categories: Health

5 Of The Best Outdoor Activities To Do When You’re Broke

Outdoor activities are a great alternative to more expensive pursuits such as…basically anything. When you have the wonder of nature, what more do you need? Here are five ideas for some outdoor fun!

1. Picnic Somewhere Beautiful

“Drink in or out?” is a common refrain in Starbucks and Costa branches everywhere. Why? Because on top of paying a small ransom for your lacklustre coffee, you are also paying for your seat each time you settle in with your skinny mocha frappe, granola bar and book.

There exists a greater alternative. Throw out your plaid rug on a stunning hilltop/in a verdant park and luxuriate with sandwiches, cake plus a flask of tea for practically nothing. This serene outdoor activity beats burnt coffee beans any day. What’s better than a basket of tasty yet cheap snacks amidst glorious greenery?

2. People Watching

Find a decent, preferably empty bench free of bird excrement, station yourself there for a while and watch as humans walk by. People are weird yet wonderful, and they do strange things on the regular, like writing articles telling other people how to spend their time.

Why pay for tickets to a play (during which you’d seriously consider lighting a small fire, just to make your escape excusable) or the latest Marvel movie when you can observe oblivious specimens on their way to dates, going shopping or arguing in the street?

3. Window Shopping

Let’s ignore the incredibly creepy dynamics at play in Pretty Woman and focus on that iconic scene: Julia Roberts is humiliated by snooty shop assistants and leaves, totally deflated. There’s no denying it, walking into a designer store is not a particularly heart-warming experience, especially if you’re not rolling in cash. But the clothes are so beautiful.

If you love high fashion but can only afford approximately one coat button from the children’s department, why not enjoy the fresh air and window shop all at once. Visually gorge on the beautiful displays without eating into your student loan, and check out your reflection simultaneously. Best. Time. Ever.

4. Dinner At The Beach

The beach is a magical, mystical place with its own endless playlist of crashing waves and sighing tides. Why not have dinner there? When the sun is shining and the sand is warm, chilling beside the ocean with a cold beer is as good as five-star lux. Frankly, any outdoor activities by the sea just feel right…maybe because we all started out as marine life? Deep thought.

See Also

You’re on a tight budget but that doesn’t mean you have to forgo the simple pleasures. In fact, the simplest things often bring the greatest joy. Bring a few lanterns, a blanket, some boxes of pizza, a six-pack and great company = champagne lifestyle vibe for the broke dreamer.

5. Otherworldly Walking Trails

Hear me out on this one. Walking trails have a bad reputation, probably because they’re associated with traumatic family holidays on which everyone argued, then did a bunch of “fun” (enforced) activities together in the pouring rain. However, if you pick the right day, the right spot and the right walking companions, an adventurous walk can be fun, therapeutic and refreshing.

To avoid any freaky Blair Witch moments, I would recommend planning your route beforehand and bringing along directions/a map so you can make the most of your chosen trail. Coastal walks are pretty fail-safe, as you’re guaranteed some magnificent views and a fragrant sea breeze. Oh, and the best bit? It will cost you absolutely nothing. So, go hike away from your worries and forget about the world for a while.

Any other fun outdoor activities you’d suggest for those of us whom are broke? Let us know in the comments below!

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