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Here’s 5 Steps For How To Relax On A Deadline

Here’s 5 Steps For How To Relax On A Deadline

If you're wondering how to relax when on a deadline then these are the best steps to take to achieve that! It's important to take time for yourself, so above all - do what makes you happy!

No one likes deadlines, the closer they get, the less motivated you become, the more stressed you get. There is no easy way to get through a big deadline, it’s just something we unfortunately must deal with in this life. If you are anything like me at this point in the year you will have already had six melt downs, 3 zits, unimaginably headaches, and heart palpitations just thinking about the work you have coming. That being said, if you’re wondering how to relax on a deadline, these are the best ways!

1. Go To The Water.

Obviously unless you are afraid of water it is a great way to relax and get away from books and computers for a while. Take a bath, go for a swim, or even just sit on a beach for a while. It gives you great space to think away from technology so you can really assess the work you’ve done, and the work you have left to do, not being able to have all of your notes will give you a new perspective on your work! Also make sure you are drinking a lot of water to help clear your brain.



2. Create Mini-Deadlines

Writing 100 words is so much easier than 10,000. If you give yourself plenty of time you can set yourself smaller more manageable deadlines instead of one massive one, if you start your ten-thousand-word dissertation 30 days in advance that’s ten days for research and then only 500 words a day, a lot less stressful than trying to do it all in one big go!

3. Treat Yourself

Do a face mask in between tasks, book a spa day for the day after deadline, book a big weekend away with all your mates for after you all finish. Giving yourself something to look forward to will make the stress seem a little bit less as you get more excited for the activity you’ve planned!

4. Read

Read something other than your notes, take a look at something completely off topic. Magazines can be a great distraction or even a chapter of a good book, just anything that is not related to your project in anyway shape or form.

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5. Take A Nap

When wondering how to relax, nothing helps quite the way sleep does!

If none of this is helping you may find you need to get some help. Ask your university tutor for help on where you can go, or ask your boss for an extension because nothing is worth stressing yourself until you are ill.


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