10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Pet Owner

Being a pet owner is one of the most amazing and rewarding things. Animals are definitely some of man’s best friends. From hamsters to dogs, from horses to lizards, pets come in all shapes and species. But ultimately, they all give us the same feelings. They are goofy, stupid and extremely loving. Here are 10 gifs that accurately describe being a pet owner.
1.The struggle that is bath time.
Sure, there are some pets that enjoy bath time, but they’re weird. It’s not normally like that. Especially if you have a rather large pet for example. Bath time can be a struggle for most pet owners, but it’s still fun to try! It can be a bonding experience too, a chance to help them relax and ensure they trust you.
2.Those moments where you just can’t help but laugh at them.
Most pet owners have moments where they just look at their animals like, “How? What made you do that?” They can make funny faces, fall over nothing and just do some incredibly random s**t. Part of the joy of being a pet owner is being able to laugh at the stupid stuff they do. This is why YouTube exists, to catch these moments and share them!
3.The love they have for food time.
Food time can be hectic. Especially if you have a larger pet, it can be a struggle. They get too excited and make such a big mess. But it only strengthens their love for you…as it probably would for people too. I know I’d love anyone who brought me food on a daily basis. It’s funny to see their little expressions and they wagging tails. Food is their religion, I swear.
4.The face you make when someone insults your pet.
It’s like having a child. If someone insults your pet for any reason, they better run! Pet owners can be very protective so do not upset our animals! They want to be petted, so be it! They want your food, give it to them. We just can’t say no to be honest so now you can’t either.
5.The feeling once you’ve just cleaned…and have to again.
Being a pet owner can be a messy job. From constant fur flying around the place, to tracks of endless mud. They make messes you can’t even dream of.
6.The amazing moment they actually listen to you.
If your pet is obedient, cherish it! For the rest of us, we only get the few odd moments where they surprise us and actually listen! It’s a moment we’ll never forget, but likely never see again.
7.When you realise you’re now permanently sharing your bed…and your lap…and your food…everything.
Nothing is no longer yours. Pet owners share a lot with their animals. Sure, there’s a ranking but most pets just help themselves. The phrase, “If I fits, I sits” has never been truer. They’ll sit and take over any space they can, and because you love them you just let it happen a lot of the time. The ‘sad eyes’ expression always wins.
8.When you buy them clothes and get your revenge.
One hilarious revenge of any pet owner, is dressing their animals in costumes. Some like it, but most absolutely hate it. This is the one win we allow ourselves, mostly during special occasions like Christmas or Halloween. It’s just too funny!
9.When you feel eyes on you when you’re eating.
As I said, food is no longer yours. Well, it is, but you won’t be eating it in peace. They’ll watch your every move until they get some.
10.The feeling of unconditional love.
We love our animals, end of. They’re part of the family and mean more to us than most people do. Seeing their happy faces as we walk through the door is one of the best feelings ever.