Five YouTubers To Motivate You This Fall

With fall and the dreaded back to school season on its way, you might be thinking about how the heck you’re going to get yourself motivated. Well, there are many ways to get motivated, but one way to do so is to check out some motivating YouTubers and all of their great tips to help you through the back to school season.
1. GraceFitUK aka Grace Beverley
You may know her as GraceFitUK, but she recently changed all of her socials to be her full name, Grace Beverely. Known for her insane work ethic, juggling a degree at Oxford University, starting up two businesses for fitness products and sustainable fitness ware, as well as managing her YouTube channel, Grace is a force to be reckoned with. If anyone knows how to manage deadlines, organisation and a heck of a lot of stress, it is Grace.
Her YouTube channel is well worth checking out if you’re looking to get motivated this fall. Her ‘Day in the life at Oxford Uni’ vlogs will leave you wanting to take on the world and her videos on organisation and revision techniques are great for back to school. Plus, she offers so many free workout videos to motivate you to get fit – she’s great all around. So, why not go give her a watch?
2. UnjadedJade
Jade is known as one of the great British Studytubers, with her channel focusing mainly on helping young people to revise better, handle education better, and just generally being incredibly productive. Jade is very realistic and talks regularly about the importance of prioritising your mental health and looking after your physical health. She’s also a vegan and super into her yoga. If you’re looking for someone to help improve your study methods and attitudes towards education, Jade is the YouTuber for you!
She’s incredibly hard-working, but also very wise when it comes to mental health – making her someone great to follow as the back to school season starts. Currently on a gap year and planning to attend the incredible new Minerva School later this year, Jade is sure to motivate you into being a great student.
3. Ruby Granger
Ruby is another of the Studytubers, she’s an extremely dedicated student currently at Exeter University and possibly one of the biggest Harry Potter fans in existence. Ruby’s work ethic is certainly something to be admired, having absolutely aced her A-Levels last year and just finished her first year at Exeter. On her channel, you can find a playlist titled ‘Productivity Inspiration’ which is sure to get you motivated AF this fall, as well as her great ‘Study with Me’ vlogs that will help even the most unproductive people to focus.
4. Eve Cornwell
You might already follow Eve on Instagram, as she’s not only known for her commitment to becoming a lawyer, but also her super cool wardrobe. Having spent years dedicating her time to academia, Eve is certainly one to follow if you are looking for some motivation this fall. As well as your more regular lifestyle videos, you can find some really great videos on Eve’s channel that will really help you get into productive-mode this back to school season. Why not give her a watch and see if she can get you in the mood to study?
5. Eve Bennett
I guess being called Eve instantly makes you super smart and productive because Eve Bennett is another great YouTuber to watch if you are looking for some motivation this fall. Like Grace was, Eve is a student at Oxford University. If you’re studying a language, Eve will be particularly great for you as she’s currently studying for a degree in German and Spanish and her channel features all kinds of videos with tips on learning languages. Eve is a fantastic student in general though, with all A*s at both GCSE and A Level, her work ethic is definitely something to be followed!
So, if you’re looking for some motivation this fall, why not check out one of these YouTubers? These guys are guaranteed to make you feel ready to take on the year and completely smash it.