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10 DIY Outdoor Games To Enjoy This Summer

10 DIY Outdoor Games To Enjoy This Summer

10 DIY Outdoor Games to enjoy this summer, with friends or with families. Enjoy your summers evening over a game of lawn twister or a giant jenga!

Summer is right around the corner. And what better way to spend those summer evenings than playing a couple rounds of your favourite games in the garden. Instead of splashing out on the latest outdoor game set, I’ve made a list of 10 DIY outdoor games you can enjoy this summer. Have a scroll and find your next favourite outdoor game. 

1) Giant Jenga

Looking for fun outdoor games for all ages? You can try building an actual giant Jenga tower with real wooden blocks. And even better – the same blocks can then be used to play a giant game of dominoes. What are you waiting for? Grab some wooden blocks from your local scrapyard and start building!

2) Backyard Bowling 

Backyard bowling is always a blast, especially after a couple drinks. Instead of purchasing bowling pins and a ball, why not create your own? Gather some of those empty bottles and a tennis ball and you’re set. 


3) Giant beer pong 

Just the same as your traditional beer pong, but bigger, and better. For the outdoor games version, replace the red solo cups with trash cans, filled with bottles of your favourite beer. Grab a large inflatable ball and let the fun begin. If you want to change it up a bit, try filling the trash cans with mini prosseco bottles for a classy edge. 

4) Lawn twister 

A real crowd pleaser. I guess its pretty self explanatory really. Just grab some spray paint, all different colours of course. Pick an empty spot on the lawn and paint some circles. Do make sure the paint is washable and dry before you start. We wouldn’t want those lovely summer fits getting ruined. 


5) Dunk bucket 

Warning: If you’re not looking to get absolutely soaked, this is not the game for you. But if you’re wanting to have buckets of fun (no pun intended) then dunk bucket is the outdoor game for you. It will take a little more time to construct but will be totally worth it when you get to see your friends drenched through.

Click here to find the instructions.

6) Waterballoon dodgeball 

The most simple outdoor games can be the most fun. This game is perfect for an impromptu gathering with friends. Again I think this one is pretty self explanatory, it’s dodgeball….with water balloons. And as always, its probably best not to aim for peoples faces, unless you don’t mind paying their hospital bill of course. 


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7) Glow-in-the-dark capture the flag 

Gather a big group of friends who aren’t afraid of the dark and like to chase each other.  Divide up into 2 teams. Review how to play capture the flag. See instructions here. You will need 2 glow sticks of different colors – these will be the flags. Each player will need 2 glow bracelets, one for each wrist, the same colors as the flags. Half of your group will wear one color for their team. The other half will wear the second color. Don’t activate your sticks til just before you are ready to play.


8) Blanket run 

Grab some old blankets. Wrap your partner up like a burrito and see how fast you can drag them across the lawn. Just be careful not to fall out. 

9) Scavenger hunt 

Simply print out a checklist  of 10 things to find that you’ve hidden around your garden. For even more fun, add something to the list that you haven’t hidden and watch all your party goers going crazy trying to find it. 


10) Obstacle course 

Grab some rope. Some old tyres. Perhaps some wooden planks, and just scatter them how you like really. Make the challenges increasingly hard. Make sure thy have to climb through tyres, under and over ropes, balance on wooden planks. 

We hope you have buckets of fun with these outdoor games this summer. Be sure to comment which ones you want to play!

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