
The Common Sickness In The Summer Many People Get

What could possibly be worse than getting one of those annoying colds in the summer? Whether the symptoms include a runny nose, a sore throat, or lengthy headaches, nobody wants to feel ill and be locked up inside their room during such lovely warm weather. In order to help you deal with this, we’ve put together a list of the best ways in which you could cure your common sickness in the summer and get back up on your feet to enjoy this great season. Be sure to follow all of the advice below and you’ll be feeling better in no time!

1. Common causes to be aware of

There are a number of reasons why someone could catch a cold during the summer, but the most common one is definitely an airplane flight, in particular a long haul one. Another common cause is air conditioning, which is practically inescapable in the summer months. Finally, stress is another sure fire way to catch a cold due to the weakening of your immune system. Its understandable that things such as flights and air con cannot always be avoided during the summer, but don’t worry – be sure to follow our tips to clear that cold ASAP!

2. Take long, hot showers

This sounds like the perfect solution, and it is! Taking hot showers can help open up your naval passages, which will make it easier to breathe and help you feel better overall. You will also be able to unblock your nose, which will relieve congestion and remove all of those nasty viruses.

3. Take lots of vitamin C

Vitamin C is a well-known solution to any cold or virus that you may have. Lemons and oranges aren’t the only foods that can help you stock up on that vitamin – you could also try broccoli, Brussel sprouts, peppers, and tomatoes.

4. Drink hot soup

Everyone likes soup, in particular chicken noodle soup, and guess what – it’s a great way to cure those nasty cold symptoms! It may be hot outside but trust me, you’ll instantly feel better after some hearty noodles. It helps you remain hydrated without having to drink litres of water and it also tastes delicious.

5. Drink hot tea

This is a staple solution to any cold, whether summer or winter! If you add honey, it will be even better for a sore throat – the soothing liquid will instantly ease the pain and make you feel more hydrated. At the end of the day, who doesn’t like a good cuppa once in a while.

See Also

6. Stay hydrated

This may have become apparent by now, but it’s still worth reiterating – it is extremely important to drink lots and lots of fluids if you’ve caught one of those nasty summer sicknesses. If you’re struggling to force yourself to drink, then aim to take a few mouthfuls every half on hour. That way you won’t forget to drink plenty of water.

7. Rest well

Lounging around on a hot summer day and not having to do anything? Yes, it is possible to just lay in bed all day and not be told off for it! When you’ve got a cold, it is important to avoid physical exertions – a well-rested body is more likely to successfully battle viruses and make you feel better again.

8. Use humidifiers

These will not directly help to cure a common sickness in the summer, but they will definitely relieve a lot of your symptoms and make you feel happier. Humidifiers are known for easing heavy congestion, sore throats, and nasty coughs.

Have you ever tried any of these solutions? What are your top tips on curing common sickness in the summer? Let us know in the comments below!

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Pauline Markina

A young media enthusiast with an interest in learning.

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