Categories: Beauty

5 Common Mistakes Every Girl Makes When Applying Make-Up

Applying make-up is definitely a skill which comes with practice, and you’ve probably noticed that there actually are many things that can go wrong. These mishaps are easily avoided if you’re willing to sit and watch make-up tutorials on Youtube for hours on end, but not all of us dedicate so much time to our beauty routines. If you’re in need of some quick guidance, look no further – here are five common mistakes every girl makes and how you can avoid them.

1. Choosing The Right Foundation

I wouldn’t be able to count on two hands the amount of times my mum has told me that my face doesn’t quite match my neck – sometimes I just don’t blend well enough, or I experiment with a foundation which is way too dark for my face. Trust me when I say (as much as I’d hate to admit it) that she’s right – it’s not a good look. It’s definitely worth investing in a decent foundation which matches your face, and brands such as No7 even offer a colour matching service to save you the effort of using your hands for patch tests. To be honest, there’s really no excuse for looking orange these days.

2. Eyeshadow Blending

Blending is definitely a difficult skill and one which took me at least a few years to master (although I still wouldn’t say I’m an expert!). If you use the wrong colours on your eyes you can so easily look like you have a black eye or, worse, like a racoon, and you really don’t want that sort of attention. Make sure you do your research and use colours which suit your skin tone, or if you do want to go for something a little out there, please blend, blend, blend! Some people swear by using masking tape or sellotape when applying make-up to ensure their eyeshadow goes exactly where they want it to go.

3. Sluggish

Some people seem to think it’s a good look to use the darkest eyebrow pencil out there and completely colour in their brows, and I’m here to tell you that this is not a good look. Sure, maybe your brows are super light like mine and you’re desperate to look as if you actually have some, but please, go easy on the pencil. I’m sure you want them to look as natural as possible, so lightly shade them in and build up the colour rather than pressing down as hard as you can. You do not want to walk out of the house with two slugs above your eyes.

See Also

4. Overdoing The Bronzer/Highlight

I, for one, would not be able to go on a night out without applying bronzer and highlighter first, as they seem like the perfect way of finishing any make-up look. However, if you don’t have good enough lighting and can’t see how much you’re putting on, it’s incredibly easy to go overboard and end up looking like you’ve caked it on. Again, you really don’t want to look orange or blind everyone that walks past, so try to find good lighting and use both bronzer and highlighter sparingly. Remember, less is often more.

5. Choosing The Right Look

As I said previously, it’s very easy to get carried away and just want to cover our faces with whatever make-up product is within reach, particularly if we’re having a bad skin day. However, there’s one final thing that you should really avoid, and that’s going all out in every area of your face – it really can look too much. Instead, decide whether you’d rather have a bold lip or bold eyes, and compensate by making whichever you don’t choose more natural looking; you’ll certainly thank yourself for it when you look in the mirror.

Yes, applying make-up and achieving your perfect look isn’t easy, but it can be fun. Do you have any tips on applying make-up? Is there anything you can think of to avoid? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jennifer Robson

I'm a University of Birmingham Undergraduate studying English and Creative Writing. I love music (I'm especially partial to a bit of Ed Sheeran), reading ('The Lovely Bones' is genius) and, obviously, writing! I hope you enjoy reading my articles.

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