5 Cleaning Tips To Make Your Room Feel Brand New

Sometimes cleaning your room can be the most cathartic and satisfying feelings. Here are some cleaning tips that make all the difference when having a deep clean and will ultimately make your room feel brand new!
1. Wash Your Sheets
This is one of those cleaning tips that are essential to making your room feel it’s best. There’s really nothing better than freshly washed sheets and the smell alone is beyond worth the effort.
Strip the entire bed, including the pillow cases and mattress protector if you have one. Wash with the nicest smelling washing powder you have. If you have a throw blanket or pillows to decorate your bed, consider washing those too. Months of dust and dirt could be trapped in there too.
Get into the habit of making your bed every morning after you wake up. It’s a great way to start the day and will motivate yourself for the rest of the day. There’s something relaxing about coming home after a long day of school or work and throwing yourself on a freshly made bed.
2. Clean Your Mirror
Whether in your bedroom or en-suit, having a clean mirror will make a huge difference to the appearance of your room. Clean those toothpaste specks off and you’ll see yourself clearly again.
3. Wipe Down Your Windowsills
Dust, dirt and often mold collect in the crevices in window sills. Cleaning these thoroughly will be satisfying and, even though a small detail, will make your room feel that much fresher. You may not have noticed that it is a problem before but you probably have now.
For a simple clean, use a duster to get rid off all that pesky dusk. If that doesn’t get rid of dirt, get a cloth and bucket of warm water and get to work wiping down those window sills. If it’s mold and you need a bit more help than just water, mix one part bleach with three parts water and use a brush.
4. Organise Your Desk
Having a cluttered desk or surface in your room adds to your frustration when you feel like your room is never clean. Especially when you are trying to study, having a cluttered desk can be the worst.
Get rid of any rubbish and dirty dishes first. Then organise your books and knick-knacks into a neat manner, clearing a space for your laptop or textbooks. Also untangled any cords that may be lying in a heap on the floor. Once you’ve done this have a good think about what you really need on your desk. If there’s a bunch of stuff just taking up space or you have nowhere else to put it, consider donating it.
Walking into your room and seeing a neat and organised desk instead of a huge messy pile of junk will make all the difference to your motivation to sit down and get that work done!
5. Clean Your Carpet
This is one of those cleaning tips that seem obvious but simple once over with the vacuum may not do the entire job here. Those with long, thick hair or pets can confirm that shedding is a real issue for people with carpet in their bedrooms and vacuum just does not suck up those pesky hairs.
Put on a pair of rubber gloves and scrape your hands across the carpet. You’ll be surprised at how much hair and dirt you uncover. Those spots you thought were stains could actually be dark hairs woven into the carpet. Gross.
Once you’ve done this, vacuum the floor and you’ll notice how much cleaner and fresher it looks.
Which of these cleaning tips made your room feel so much cleaner?
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